Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

The Ventura Port District is committed to providing a safe harbor that is an inviting inclusive seaside destination and gateway to the Channel Islands National Park, with exceptional facilities for fishers, boaters, residents, and visitors.

Guiding Principles  
1Maintain a safe, navigable, and resilient harbor.
2Advance the harbor's vibrant, working waterfront in support of commercial and recreational fishing and boating.
3Grow financial sustainability through a reliable, recurring revenue stream supplemented with grants and public-private partnership investment while maintaining responsible budgeting practices.
4Establish and implement harbor-wide environmental sustainability policies and practices through collaboration with our business partners.
5Build respectful, productive relationships with employees, tenants, residents, visitors, stakeholders, public officials, and elected representatives while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
6Provide exceptional public service and organizational transparency.
7Provide high-quality Harbor and coastal visitor-serving amenities, services, facilities and infrastructure.
8Support the Channel Islands National Park in its efforts to provide a first-class visitor center, educational resources, and ferry boat services to the islands.
Ensure dredging occurs annually at the federal Harbor entrance and as needed in the inner Harbor. 1) Support and advocate for congressional funding to the Army Corps of Engineers in support of the Harbor's annual dredging program.
2) On-going leadership and participation with California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference (CMANC) and other relevant Orgnaizations in support of federal and state assistance.
3) Ventura Port District Dredging
E) Encourage public and civic engagement; maintain high levels of organizational transparency; and promote Harbor-wide diversity, equity and inclusion through District policies, procedures and programs. 1) Collaborate with business partners and stakeholders through increased engagement, communication, and participation.
2) Collaborate with City, regional, state, and federal agency officials in pursuit of mutually beneficial projects and programs.
3) Public and Civic Engagement Planning
4) Updates to District policies to reflect improved transparency and DEI
F) Support current and future commercial fishing and sustainable aquaculture industries. Maintain and improve working waterfront facilities and infrastructure. 1) Engage with commercial fishing and sustainable aquaculture interests in Ventura Harbor.
2) Continue improvements of District's working waterfront infrastructure.
3) Continue to pursue opportunities for diversifying commercial fishing and sustainable aquaculture.
M) Collaborate with Master Tenants and National Park Service to plan, improve, and develop the Harbor in a financially and environmentally sustainable way. 1) Engagement and support of Master Tenants for successful business operations at the Harbor.
2) Evaluate opportunities for Parcel Development.
3) Implement sustainability technologies at the Harbor.
4) VenturaWaterPure
N) Maintain and grow Channel Islands National Park Service (NPS) presence and customer visitation to the Harbor. 1) Work with NPS and harbor visitors regarding enhancement of visitor experience.
2) Coordinate with NPS Superintendent to evaluate long-term goals and improvement needs for the Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center.
3) Coordinate with National & California State Parks, and City to develop destination-based ecotourism offerings.
P) Implement parking management, traffic circulation, and multi-modal transportation strategies.
1) Work with City to improve access between the City and Harbor.
2) Evaluate alternative and active methods for people to travel to and within the Harbor and pursue needed improvements and strategies in partnership with the City.
3) Pursue and implement parking management solutions to increase vehicle circulation.
R) Seek opportunities to grow revenues and secure grants; continue to improve the quality, efficiency, and transparency of financial reporting, monitoring, and property management. 1) Utilize grant funding opportunities for sustainable Harbor infrastructure.
2) Seek additional grant funding for improving/replacing District capital assests.
3) Leasing/Property Management
4) Update of Financial Management System
5) Financial Reporting
V) Maintain and improve Harbor Village facilities, infrastructure, and amenities. 1) Ongoing investment in Harbor Village Infrastructure.
2) Develop and implement an Annual Visitation Plan for Ventura Harbor Village.