Ventura Harbor has begun to wrap up the annual dredging process in March, with an estimated movement of 380,000 cubic yards of sand.
The dredging project in 2022 has gone very smoothly and the sand that annually accumulates in the entrance of the harbor will once again replenish the popular beaches to the south of the harbor. The three harbor beaches, which experience natural erosion throughout the year, are heavily used by the public year-round and the sand transported by the dredge assists with maintaining crucial habitat near the Santa Clara River.
“Dredging does multiple things, it makes sure that commerce continues to flow, and of course recreational activity continues to move in and out of the harbor safely,” said Brian Pendleton, Ventura Port District General Manager. “It has other beneficial impacts… beach restoration, habitat restoration, and support of endangered species nesting grounds such as the least tern and the snowy plover.”
The Army Corps of Engineers is the federal agency tasked with the dredging of the federal entrance of Ventura Harbor, with funds allocated by congress. The Army Corps of Engineers contracts out to a private firm and are in a multi-year contract with Manson Construction Company. Estimated costs for the 2022 dredging of Ventura Harbor is $5.5 million. The Ventura Port District Board of Commissioners thanks Congresswoman Julia Brownley, Congressman Salud Carbajal, Senator Alex Padilla, and Senator Dianne Feinstein who have been key supporters of economic vitality and crucial funding for local ports and harbors.