Once again this summer, daily lifeguard service will be provided at Ventura Harbor beaches off Spinnaker Drive.
In a unanimous vote on Wednesday, March 20, the Board of Port Commissioners authorized the General Manager to contract with State Parks to provide the service from mid-May through Labor Day 2019 at Harbor Cove and Surfers Knoll beaches. The $88,682 cost represents a 1 percent increase over last year, primarily because of added personnel and the added option of continuing services, as available, through Dec. 31.
For over 60 years, State Parks has provided professional lifeguarding services along California’s coastline. The State Park Lifeguard service is certified by the United States Lifesaving Association and is recognized as one of the highest-ranking training academies in the world.
The Ventura Port District took the lead in securing summer lifeguards at the Harbor after the city of Ventura stopped its services in 2011. The state lifeguards and the Ventura Harbor Patrol have formed a strong and effective partnership in providing public safety on land and in the waters along Ventura’s coast.
Ventura Harbor and its beaches have become among the most popular summer destinations in the city. Parking and restrooms are available at both beach parking lots and street parking is available on Spinnaker Drive.
In addition to the beaches’ safety and convenience, annual Harbor dredging results in some of the best sand on the local coast. Also, the location affords a variety of healthy outdoor summer activities and close access to the Harbor Village and its many amenities.
“Ventura Harbor is one of the few locations in Ventura County that provides a complete user experience,” said Ventura Port District Harbormaster John Higgins. “Our harbor, beaches, merchants, restaurants, national park headquarters, sport fishing boats, dive boats and Island Packers give the visitor tremendous value and entertainment in one intimate location.”
For questions on lifeguard times, call the State Lifeguards Dispatch at 805-648-3321.