June 28, 2017


Everard Ashworth, Chairman
Brian Brennan, Vice Chairman
Jim Friedman, Secretary
Bruce E. Smith, Commissioner
Nikos Valance, Commissioner
Oscar Peña, General Manager
Timothy Gosney, Legal Counsel
Jessica Rauch, Clerk of the Board
JUNE 28, 2017 AT 7:00PM
A Closed Session of the Board will be held at 6:00PM at the
Port District Office located at 1603 Anchors Way Drive, Ventura, CA,
to discuss the items on the Attachment to AgendaClosed
Session Conference with Legal Counsel.
The Board will convene in Open Session at the Port District Office
located at 1603 Anchors Way Drive for its Regular Meeting at 7:00PM.
CALL TO ORDER: By Chair Everard Ashworth.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: By Chair Everard Ashworth.
ROLL CALL: By the Clerk of the Board.
Consider and approve, by majority vote, minor revisions to agenda items and/or attachments and any
item added to, or removed/continued from the Port Commission’s agenda. Administrative Reports relating
to this agenda and materials related to an item on this agenda submitted after distribution of the agenda
packet are available for public review at the Port District’s office located at 1603 Anchors Way Drive,
Ventura, CA during business hours as well as on the District’s website – www.venturaharbor.com (Port
District Business-Port Commission & Meeting Schedule). Each item on the agenda shall be deemed to
include action by an appropriate motion, resolution or ordinance to take action on any item.
The Minutes of the June 14, 2017 Regular Meeting will be considered for approval.
The Public Communications period is set aside to allow public testimony on items not on today’s agenda.
Each person may address the Commission for up to three minutes or at the discretion of the Chair.
Ventura Port District – Regular Meeting Agenda
June 28, 2017
Closed Sessions are not open to the public pursuant to the Brown Act. Any reportable actions taken by
the Commission during Closed Session will be announced at this time.
Port Commissioner’s may present brief reports on port issues, seminars, meetings and literature that
would be of interest to the public and/or Commission, as a whole. In addition, Port Commissioners should
provide a brief summary and disclose any discussions he or she may have had with any Port District
Tenants related to Port District business.
Ventura Port District Staff and General Manager will give the Commission reports on their Department
and items of general interest to the Port Commission and members of the public.
1) Update on the Rhumb Line and BS Taproom Projects
Recommended Action: Informational.
That the Board of Port Commissioners receive an update on the Rhumb Line and BS Taproom
Projects from Rasmussen Architects.
2) Approval of the FY 2017-2018 Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Plan
Recommended Action: Roll Call Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners:
a) Adopt Resolution No. 3334, approving the 2017-2018 Ventura Port District Budget and
Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP);
b) Adopt Resolution No. 3335, establishing the Salary Schedule for Non-represented
Employees for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018; and
c) Adopt Resolution No. 3336, to establish the Employer Paid Member Contributions to
CalPERS for the Non-represented Classic Miscellaneous Members
3) Approval of Professional Services Agreements
Recommended Action: Voice Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners authorize the General Manager to sign the following two
Professional Services Agreements (PSA):
a) Agreement with Jensen Design and Survey, Inc. in the amount of $20,000 to prepare
contract documents for pavement repairs, slurry seal and restriping of the parking lots at
Harbor Village, the launch ramp and Parcel 19A; and
b) Agreement with Rasmussen & Associates in the amount of $11,500 to prepare contract
documents for the repainting of Ventura Harbor Village.
4) Approval of Professional Services Agreement with White Nelson Diehl Evans
Recommended Action: Voice Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners:
a) Approve the Professional Services Agreement with White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP to
perform the District’s financial audit of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017; and
b) Appoint an Audit Liaison to work with staff and White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP
throughout the audit process.
Ventura Port District – Regular Meeting Agenda
June 28, 2017
5) Appointment of California JPIA Board Director
Recommended Action: Voice Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners approve the appointment of one Port Commissioner as
Director for the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) Board of Directors.
This agenda was posted on Friday, June 23, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.
at the Port District Office and on the Internet –
www.venturaharbor.com (Port District Business-Port Commission & Meeting Schedule).

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact the Ventura Port District at (805) 642-8538. Notification 48 hours before the
meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.
(28 CFR ADA Title II)
Ventura Port District – Regular Meeting Agenda
June 28, 2017
1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators – Per Government Code Section 54956.8:

a) Property:
Negotiating Parties:
Under Negotiation:
Parcel 5 and Parcel 8
Oscar Peña, Brian Pendleton, Timothy Gosney
Lease Negotiations with H. Parker Hospitality
2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation per Government Code Section
54956.9(d)(4): One case.
3. Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation per Government Code Section
54956.9(d)(2): One case.
JUNE 28, 2017
The Regular Meeting of the Ventura Board of Port Commissioners was
called to order by Chairman Everard Ashworth at 6:00PM at the Ventura
Port District Office located 1603 Anchors Way Drive, Ventura, CA
Commissioners Present:
Everard Ashworth, Chairman
Brian Brennan, Vice Chairman
Jim Friedman, Secretary
Nikos Valance
Commissioners Absent:
Bruce E. Smith
Port District Staff:
Brian Pendleton, Business Operations Manager
John Higgins, Harbormaster
Gloria Adkins, Accounting Manager
Robin Baer, Property Manager
Joe Gonzalez, Facilities Manager
Jessica Rauch, Clerk of the Board
Legal Counsel:
Dominic Nunneri
CALL TO ORDER: By Chairman Everard Ashworth at 6:00PM.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: By Commissioner Friedman.
ROLL CALL: Commissioner Smith was absent.
ACTON: Commissioner Friedman moved, seconded by Commissioner Brennan and
carried by a vote of 4-0 to adopt the June 14, 2017 agenda.
The Minutes of May 24, 2017 Regular meeting were considered as follows:
ACTION: Commissioner Brennan moved, seconded by Commissioner Valance and
carried by a vote of 4-0 to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2017 regular
CLOSED SESSION REPORT: There was no closed session.
Ventura Port District Board of Port Commissioners
June 14, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
Page 2
BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Brennan congratulated staff on a successful
Pirate Days, but was disappointed in the amount of trash that was in the parking lots.
Commissioner Ashworth reminded the Commission and public of the Ventura Shellfish
Enterprise Workshop #7 happening at the Four Points Sheraton on Thursday, June 15th. He will
also be visiting Yerseke, Holland in July and is planning on meeting with the Mayor and his staff
who are responsible for the aquaculture in the city.
STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Pendleton updated the Commission on the Holiday Inn
Expansion, Rhumb Line and BS Taproom process, and the Boatyard Pub remodel. He also
reported to the Commission that the first kick off meeting for the development of Parcels 5 and 8
happened on Tuesday.
LEGAL COUNSEL REPORT: Mr. Nunneri reported that legal counsel has prepared the option
to lease for staff’s review and is currently working on updating the ground lease.
A) Approval of New Office Lease Agreement for Hawk Ridge Systems
Recommended Action: Voice Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners approve a new Office Lease Agreement between the
Ventura Port District dba Ventura Harbor Village and Hawk Ridge Systems for the premises
located at 1591 Spinnaker Drive #207 consisting of a total of 1,420 interior square feet and 838
square feet patio for a three-year term.
ACTION: Commissioner Friedman moved and seconded by Commissioner Brennan
and carried by a vote of 4-0 to approve a new Office Lease Agreement
between the Ventura Port District dba Ventura Harbor Village and Hawk
Ridge Systems for the premises located at 1591 Spinnaker Drive #207
consisting of a total of 1,420 interior square feet and 838 square feet patio
for a three-year term.
1) Capital Improvement Fund Transfer for the Harbor Village Phase 3 Improvement
Recommended Action: Voice Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners transfer $50,000 from the Harbor Village ADA
Improvements line item to the Harbor Village Phase 3 Improvement line item and approve
Change Order No. 3 to the Port District’s contract with Viola, Inc. in the amount of $48,393.83.
ACTION: Commissioner Brennan moved, seconded by Commissioner Friedman and
carried by a vote of 4-0 to transfer $50,000 from the Harbor Village ADA
Improvements line item to the Harbor Village Phase 3 Improvement line
item and approve Change Order No. 3 to the Port District’s contract with
Viola, Inc. in the amount of $48,393.83.
Ventura Port District Board of Port Commissioners
June 14, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
Page 3
2) Presentation on CalPERS Policy Changes
Recommended Action: Informational.
That the Board of Port Commissioners receive a presentation from Mary Beth Redding, an actuarial
representative from Bartel Associates, LLC, discussing CalPERS recent policy changes and how
they may directly affect the District now and in the future.
ACTION: The Board of Port Commissioners received a presentation from Mary Beth
Redding, an actuarial representative from Bartel Associates, LLC, discussing
CalPERS recent policy changes and how they may directly affect the District
now and in the future.
3) Approval of Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Special Legal
Services for the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise
Recommended Action: Voice Vote.
That the Board of Port Commissioners authorize funding in the amount of $15,000 for continued
outside legal services provided by Plauché & Carr, LLP regarding the Ventura Shellfish
Enterprise project.
ACTION: Commissioner Brennan moved, seconded by Commissioner Friedman and
carried by a vote of 4-0 to authorize funding in the amount of $15,000 for
continued outside legal services provided by Plauché & Carr, LLP
regarding the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise project.
4) Ventura Shellfish Enterprise – Strategic Permitting Plan
Recommended Action: Informational.
That the Board of Port Commissioners receive a report on the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise Task
1 Strategic Permitting Plan.
ACTION: The Board of Port Commissioners received a report on the Ventura
Shellfish Enterprise Task 1 Strategic Permitting Plan.
item on the progress of the Rhumb Line and BS Taproom.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:25PM.
JUNE 28, 2017
Richard W. Parsons
2271 Los Encinos Road
Ojai, California 93023
Phone/Fax (805) 649-9759
June 28, 2017
Board of Port Commissioners
Ventura Port District
1603 Anchors Way Drive
Ventura, CA 93001
Subject: May/June 2017 Dredging Activities and Special Projects Report
The Dredging Program Manager’s activities for the May/June 2017 period are reviewed below:
FY2018 Federal Dredging Appropriations
The Administration’s FY2018 budget request for the maintenance dredging of the Ventura Harbor Entrance area is $5,163.000. That
sum coupled with $800,000 included in the Corps of Engineer’s FY17 Work Plan should enable the Corps to achieve a dredging
volume of about 640,000 cubic yards in their expected February/March 2018 dredging effort at Ventura Harbor. However, the Congress
has apparently not yet begun consideration of the FY18 budget and the political situation remains volatile. It is not expected that
Congress will be able to pass individual appropriations bills by the beginning of new fiscal year on October 1, 2017. Thus a Continuing
Resolution of some unknown duration is likely to be necessary in order to fund government operations after October 1. All of this
creates a great deal of uncertainty relative to the ultimate FY18 funding level for the Ventura Harbor dredging.
Harbor Village Phase II ADA Improvements
J&T Engineering and Construction’s subcontractor has now completed the stainless steel railing installation called for in their contract
with the Port District. However, a few punch list items remain to be corrected.
Harbor Village Phase III Improvements
Viola Contractors has a series of major concrete pours scheduled for the week of June 26, 2017. With the completion of these pours,
complete pedestrian circulation will be restored through the main plaza area and the major disruption of the Village tenants in that area
will be over. While final completion is likely to extend into August, we will have nonetheless reached a significant milestone on the
Phase III Improvements.
Harbor Village Dock Reconstruction Project
The District has now secured the necessary approval from the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board for the reconstruction
of Docks G and H and the southern portion of D dock. Permits from the California Coastal Commission and the U.S. army Corps of
Engineers were previously secured. Noble Consultants hopes to have the construction documents ready for contracting by late
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Parsons
Dredging and Special Projects Consultant
DEPARTMENTAL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: Joe A. Gonzalez, Facilities Manager
SUBJECT: May 2017 Facilities Report
I. Maintenance
• Continue to prep and address dry rot within the Village complex.
• All public benches (Approx. 36) within the Village have been refurbished with new epoxy primer and marine
grade paint.
• All trash receptacles (Approx. 32) with art work within the Village have been refurbished.
• 10 minute parking stalls have been restriped and stenciled on the east side of the Village parking lot side.

II. Marina
• Continue to perform the monthly inspections on all gangways, docks, fire extinguishers and fire boxes. Monthly
inspections of our fish pier cranes, fire dock boxes, gangways and docks were performed.
III. Marketing
• The Maintenance Department continues to provide assistance to the Marketing Department on
weddings, set-up for events, during events, installation of banners/flyers, or whatever the needs are to
make a successful event.
DEPARTMENTAL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: John Higgins, Harbormaster
SUBJECT: May 2017 Harbormaster/Harbor Patrol Report
New Harbor Patrol Officer – Erik Bear:
The Port District would like to welcome its newest employee Erik Bear. With the help of staff, an
in-house process took place earlier this month and included four Part-time Employees, each
with over 10 years of experience. The interview panel ranked the group and passed on a
recommendation to the Harbormaster. After meeting with the General Manager, we offered the
position to the top candidate Erik Bear. I plan to have him put together a bio, for which I will
include in next month’s report.
Public Safety Overview:
Spring has quickly turned to summer and our Harbor Patrol Officers haven’t missed a beat. We
continue to focus on training, equipment, and strong working relationships with other agencies.
This has allowed for us to meet each new challenge as it presents itself. We are working on a
Countywide Shark Policy so that there is consistency in our efforts. Our goal is to inform and
not scare the public as the real hazard of these juvenile sharks is low.
Beach Update:
Having some of the nicest sand in the Ventura area we are already seeing crowds exceeding
previous year’s numbers, especially during mid-week. Lifeguarding officially started on the 13th
and the contract provides for coverage till Labor Day Holiday. The Harbor Patrol and
Maintenance Department have been working on improving the trash system to lessen the errant
trash from polluting our beach and waterway.
Harbor Cove Mid-Week Early June Crowd
Staff Special Recognition:
I want to acknowledge two members of the Harbor Patrol who put in the extra effort to ensure
the Port District’s public safety needs were being met by filling unassigned shifts.
George Kabris made personal and family sacrifices to work 20 days straight with only one day
off. Bobby Crane also made personal and family sacrifices to work 12 days straight without a
day off. I thank these two Harbor Patrol Officers for their sense of dedication and willingness to
pitch in the extra effort in our time of need.
As a Manager, I acknowledge this situation is not ideal and I avoided it as much as possible.
Occasionally, and as a result of our small staffing levels, it is challenging to provide coverage
when our Officers are at training, out sick, using vacation time, and/or using their comp time.
During these times we are fortunate that the Harbor Patrol Officers have been there to help fill
the shifts and keep services going.
Officer George Kabris Officer Bobby Crane
(20 Year Employee) (28 Year Employee)
USLA AART Academy:
Ventura County Fire Department, with the assistance of our Harbor Patrol, put on a week-long
United States Lifeguard Association – Aquatic Rescue Responder Team Academy. The
Academy participants included Harbor Patrol Officers Jon Freeman, Ryan Sutherland, and 20
members from local Fire Departments. Each day the participants attended classroom lectures,
and scenario based aquatic rescue drills. At the conclusion of the weeklong Academy, the
professionals were certified in ocean rescue techniques, pier and rock rescue, rescue water
craft techniques, boat based rescue, and helicopter based deployment.
Hokuloa Outrigger Race:
The Hokuloa Outrigger Club has been with the Harbor for over 20 years and their sense of pride
in Ventura Harbor is on display daily at Harbor Cove. The club puts on several events
throughout the year to introduce the public to paddling and they meet daily for training. Each
year, they host the Ventura Outrigger Challenge. This event happened June 10th and brought
clubs from all around California. This special event was coordinated through the Harbor Patrol
and Marketing Departments to ensure its success and to minimize parking issues for local
businesses. The event provided shuttles from the parking lot off Schooner and Harbor and
ensured none of the racers parked in the Harbor Village or Marina Parking Lots. The race was
a tremendous success and a couple of our local teams were in the top finishers. We are lucky
to have this event.
Ventura Yacht Club Laser Pacific Coast Championships:
The Harbor Patrol worked with the Ventura Yacht Club to assist them in hosting a three day
Laser Sailboat Regatta out of Ventura Harbor. The event brought in approximately 35 boats
with top notch sailors from around California. Faced with strong winds and small craft
advisories, the group of sailors performed exceptionally in the challenging conditions both
Friday and Saturday. Faced with a small craft advisory in the morning and gale warning in the
afternoon on Sunday, the race organizer canceled the final races and awards were given early
in the day. Ventura Yacht Club race organizer Jon Avery reported the sailors and their families
enjoyed their time here in the Harbor and its many amenities.
Domoic Acid – Naturally Occurring Event:
This natural event occurs several times a year and results in a number of deceased marine life
and birds. Currently, there are no agencies to call to deal with these animals on the water or on
land. Left unattended, these animals become real health hazards and seriously affect the
Harbor Experience. Staff does the best they can to mitigate this challenging situation. In the
last two months we have removed 4 sea lions on the beach, 2 dolphins on the beach, 3 sea
lions on the land, and approximately 80 birds within the Harbors beach and waterways.

Port District & Ventura City Collaboration:
• Performed Fire Boat Training With City Fire Department
• Attended Coastal Trident Exercises
• Performed USLA AART Quarterly Training & Drill
• Provided City Fire Marshal and Staff Orientation & Tour
• Provided City Facilities Staff Orientation & Tour
Harbor Patrol 911 Calls (3/16/17-4/16/17)
Attachment 1 – Soundings
DEPARTMENTAL STAFF REPORT Board Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: Frank Locklear, Marina Manager / Technology
SUBJECT: May 2017 Marina Report
I. Special Events
On June 3 and 4, Pirate Days was held at Ventura Harbor Village. The Marina provided
additional overnight Dial Security and Dockmaster coverage for the popular and well attended
II. Ventura Harbor Village Marina Occupancy and Squid Production
The Ventura Harbor Village Marina slip occupancy has remained near 100%. June squid
landings have continued and expectations for a good season in Ventura Harbor remain high.
Southern California Fish and Wildlife data on squid landings totals for April and May indicated
that Ventura Harbor accounted for 42% of total landings year to date. Squid landing totals for
June are still being compiled and expected to reflect favorable.
III. Technology
A new fiber optic internet link has been completed to the Dockmasters Office in the 1449
building. New rooftop communications antennas have been purchased and installed during
recent repairs to roof hatches at the Port District offices. Key lock system server upgrades and
the installation of a new security camera system for monitoring the used oil drop-off location is
scheduled for completion in June.
Whale Visit in Ventura Harbor
Marketing Report May 2017
Visit by the Whale in the Ventura Harbor on May 20 received nationwide coverage
by several news sources including but not limited to:
• USA Today online
• ABC News
• KEYT News
• NBC News
Marketing to the Public via Social Media:
• Immediately contacted Alex Hong to take overhead drone images
• Monitored social media posts and news feeds and picked appropriate
information to share with the public
• Reported that the whale safely left the Harbor on morning of May 21st
• Sent whale images to AP wire sources per Harbor Master’s request
• Posted a thank you response to participating agencies and organizations per
the Harbor Master’s request
Following the Whale Coverage:
• Launched a Facebook promotion the following week to engage the consumer
on whale watching with Island Packers out of Ventura Harbor Village
• Received 300 responses to the Facebook promotion to win tickets to Whale
Watch with Island Packers
• Determined winner based on the responses received
• Worked with Somerville Associates and Island Packers to generate a timely
press release on the upcoming Whale Watching season entitled: Island Packers
Summer Whale Watching Cruises at Ventura Harbor Village Opens the World
of Giant Ocean Mammals to Visitors.
Marketing Report May 2017
• Ventura County Summer Guide : May 25 issue: Play Seaside with Summer
Events: Distributed 33,000 copies to over 700 locations with an additional 2,500
copies distributed into area hotels, visitors centers and tourist destinations.
• Santa Clarita Signal Memorial Day Weekend: May 24 – Happier Seaside Ad :
Circ. 20,500 print & 350,000 unique visitors on their website
• Ventura County Star Memorial Day Weekend: May 25 (All County) – Happier
Seaside Ad : Circ. 33,753
• Ojai Visitors Guide- Summer 2017 Edition: 23,000 Copies to 300 Locations: June
– August 2017 – Summer Happenings/ Activities Featured / Distributed to Ojai
Valley, from Santa Monica to Paso Robles, including, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Pacific
Palisades, Ventura, Carpinteria, Santa Barbara and Solvang in places like Vons,
Ralph’s and Albertson’s, high end car dealerships in Thousand Oaks and
Calabasas, the Ventura Visitors Center, California Welcome Center in Oxnard and
the Santa Barbara Visitors Center
• Reordered Ventura Harbor Beautification Project postcards (2,000) Redistributed
to Harbor tenants to inform the public for Memorial Day weekend and until
project completion.
• Highlighted The Ultimate Escape Rooms on Village Map
• Attended as a partner with the Visit Ventura booth at the Sunset Celebration
Weekend Travel Show in Sonoma on May 20-21. Distributed information on the
Ventura Harbor, Ventura and the Channel Islands National Park and collected
emails for Ventura and Ventura Harbor Enewsletters to a well-traveled Sunset
travel show attendee. Displayed Ventura Harbor Village banner at the event as
well as handed out 400 Ventura canvas bags which included the Ventura Harbor
Village Map & Guide, the Ventura Inspiration Guide with the Ventura Harbor ad,
and the mini-guide for Ventura with Ventura Harbor ad and information.
Partnership included pre & post Enewsletters with Ventura Harbor Village links.
Public Relations/Events
Marketing Report May 2017
Event Promotion
• Designed and distributed 2,500 promotional business size cards for the 12th
Annual Ventura Harbor Pirate Days event. Distributed in Village and throughout
Ventura County
Event Production
• In full production for the 12th Annual Ventura Harbor Pirate Days two-day
festival including securing vendors, entertainers, treasure hunt, two shopping
incentive program for the Village tenants to participate, promotions, bus
shuttles, sponsors, and logistics for the popular seaside festival on June 3 & 4
Public Relations
• Somerville Associates helped to distribute and pitch the 12th Annual Ventura
Harbor Pirate Days press release to over 300 media outlets
• Press Release via Somerville Associates:- Island Packers Summer Whale
Watching Cruises at Ventura Harbor Village Opens the World of Giant Ocean
Mammals to Visitors. Sent to 350-500 media outlets including : Family Bloggers,
California Dailies, California Freelancers, Online Travel Writers
• Press Clippings for Cottontail Day event from Somerville Associates included 14
media highlights : Hula Frog, Mommy Poppins, Kids101, Ventura Breeze, Ventura
County Star, San Buenaventura Post, Santa Clarita Signal, Simi Valley Acorn;
Where Event and others
• Compiled pet-friendly features for Ventura Harbor Village for journalist Elidet
Bordon, VC PAWS
• Somerville Associates wrote & distributed a Summer Happenings press release:
Anniversary Celebrations, Kids Fun, Pirate Days Festival and Much More Kick
Off Summer at Ventura Harbor Village inclusive of both Harbor and tenant
updates: Distributed to 300 media outlets
Website Analytics
Top 5 Pages Visited on VenturaHarbor.com (May 2017):
1) Harbor Cove Café 2) Port Commission 3) Local Commercial Fishing Market
4) Directions 5) Whale Watching
Where people are coming from: 1) Google 2) Direct 3) Yahoo 4) Bing 5)
TheGreekVentura.com 6) AOL.com 7) DuckDuckGo.com 8) Marriott.com 9) TheKnot.com
Data from May 1st
-31st, 2017
VenturaHarborVillage.com Data from May 1st-31st, 2017
Top 5 Pages Visited on VenturaHarborVillage.com (May 2017):
1) Dine 2) Events 3) Pirate Days Event 4) Play 5) Shop
Where people are coming from: 1) Google 2) Direct 3) Yahoo 4) Bing
5) Facebook Mobile 6) Facebook 7) VisitVenturaCA.com 8)
TheUltimateEscapeRooms.com Marketing Report May 2017
Social Media Analytics
Instagram (8,065 Followers) +279 followers
May 1-31st 2017
Andria’s Seafood Restaurant &
Market 35th year Anniversary
Port District supplied 35th year
balloons & staged photo
Marketing Report May 2017
Whale in Ventura Harbor
15,913 Impressions
5,080 Video Views
Called photographer immediately to take
drone photos
Cinco de Mayo 125 Likes
5 things to do for Cinco de Mayo!
Tenant Promotion
Pineapple Month!
4,244 Impressions
209 Engagement
Ventura Swimwear celebrated 33
years in May!
• Port District promoted
• 600+ views on Instagram story
Social Media Analytics (Cont.)
Facebook (18,699 Followers)
109,726 Impressions
Top Mention 39 Engagements
Top Tweet: 1,101 People Reached
Twitter (4,271 Followers)
22,600 Impressions
Marketing Report May 2017 _______________________________________________
Memorial Day Weekend 4,724 Impressions
Whale Watching Giveaway 18,433 Impressions
Breaking news about the whale in the
Ventura Harbor
26,496 Impressions
DEPARTMENTAL STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: Robin Baer, Property Manager
SUBJECT: May 2017 Property Report
I. Tenant Report
1) BS Taproom — 1591 Spinnaker Drive #115 – Drawings have been submitted to the
City of Ventura. To help expedite this project, VPD staff along with the architect and
tenant continues to correspond with the City of Ventura Planning Division to review
project requirements. Estimated completion third quarter of 2018.
2) Rhumb Line — 1510 Anchors Way — Drawings have been submitted to the City of
Ventura. To help expedite this project, VPD staff along with the architect and tenant
continues to correspond with the City of Ventura Planning Division to review project
requirements. Estimated completion fourth quarter of 2018.
3) Boatyard Pub — 1583 Spinnaker Drive #109 – Tenant received City of Ventura
approval and permit. The restaurant will be closed after Pirates Day and estimated reopened
by the end of June (see photos).
4) Ventura Dive & Sport — 1559 Spinnaker Drive #108 – Tenant has completed
construction and currently stocking and setting up the store to re-open for business by
the end of June (see photos).
5) Greek Restaurant — 1583 Spinnaker Drive #101 — The bar remodel is in design
stages with the tenant. The design is subject to District approval.
6) Retail NEW Space — 1559 Spinnaker Drive #109 — Facilities Manager is working on
completing this space with contractors. Estimated completion third quarter of 2017.
7) VC Pottery Guild — 1567 Spinnaker Drive #105 – This tenant re-opened their
business last weekend. We did have to close up their business due to the construction
project directly in front of their space. Since they have a lot of pottery on shelves, it
was not conducive to maintain operations during the movement of the construction.
II. Leasing
1) Leasing Outreach
• Posted online with Loopnet for office and retail spaces along with Lighthouse,
Treasure Cove and Coffee Dock businesses.
• Emailed leasing packets to realtors, individuals and businesses as follows:
 Ira Spilky Realtor, Becker Group, Larry Tanji Realtor, Mark Felipe
Realtor, CB Richard Ellis, William Morris Commercial Real Estate, etc.
• Posting ads online via Loopnet and in other publications.
2) Overview of FY2016/2017 leasing strategy goals:
• Obtain monthly, quarterly and annual data from real estate sources;
• Procured Co-star for real estate analytics;
• Increase annual rental revenue to VPD at (or above) consumer price index;
• Achieve vacancy rates for office, retail, restaurant below comparable properties
in the City of Ventura
• Attendance and participation with real estate, trade shows, webinars and
networking events and others as applicable;
• Annual memberships with leasing, real estate and development organizations;
• Visit prospective tenant locations and meet with business owners.
III. Occupancy level at Harbor Village – May 2017
CATEGORY Harbor Harbor Harbor Harbor City * City *
Vacancy Vacancy Available Available Vacancy Available
Sq Ft % Sq Ft % % %
Office 2,615 8% 2,615 8% 13.4% 33%
Retail 0 0% 5,634 28.5% 22.2% 22.2%
Restaurant 0 0% 0 0% 10.1% 9%
*Based on comparable square footage
IV. May Sales Report
The attached summary provides sales for three categories: restaurants, retail and charters.
The reports compare the monthly sales for 2017 and 2016. They also include year-to-date
comparisons. Retail tenants are being affected by the construction project compared to their
past year sales history. We did have one restaurant located within the construction zone
that actually increased sales from 2016.
The year-to-date overall sales were up 9.74% for May 2017 from the same time last year.
Retail had an increase of 23.47% and Charter sales continue to grow with an increase of
32.99% from year 2016.
Attachment 1 – May Tenant Sales

VENTURA DIVE & SPORT – Retail Remodel
JUNE 28, 2017
Update on the Rhumb Line and
BS Taproom Projects
BOARD COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: Robin Baer, Property Manager
SUBJECT: Update on the Rhumb Line and BS Taproom Projects
That the Board of Port Commissioners receive an update on the Rhumb Line and BS Taproom
Projects from Rasmussen Architects.
Rasmussen Architects will present the overall description and design of both projects. They will
also update the Board on the feedback received from the City of Ventura DRC Meeting that
occured on June 21, 2017. Rasmussen will also provide a timeline of both projects phasing and
estimated completion times.
JUNE 28, 2016
BOARD COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
To: Board of Port Commissioners
From: Oscar Peña, General Manager
Brian Pendleton, Business Operations Manager
Gloria Adkins, Accounting Manager
Subject: FY2017–18 Final Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Plan
That the Board of Port Commissioners:
a) Adopt Resolution No. 3334, approving the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Ventura Port District
Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP);
b) Adopt Resolution No. 3335, establishing the Salary Schedule for Non-represented
Employees for the Fiscal Year 2017-18; and
c) Adopt Resolution No. 3336, to establish the Employer Paid Member Contributions to
CalPERS for the Non-represented Classic Miscellaneous Members
On May 10th, the Board was presented with a draft of the FY2017-18 Preliminary Budget.
The Board reviewed this budget and gave staff comments and directions to be incorporated
into the budget and brought back for the Board’s review.
Some of the Board’s comments related to salaries, benefits and changes in the CalPERS
pension actuarial methods to lower the actuarial discount rate.
On June 14th, a presentation by Mary Beth Redding, an actuarial from Bartel Associates, LLC
explained the changes CalPERS is implementing and how these changes may impact the
District in the near term and in the future. Her presentation provided a credible insight of the
pension process and reported options available to public agencies to help mitigate future
The General Manager, Business Operations Manager and the Accounting Manager play an
important role with the preparation of a responsible budget. The attached budget was
developed in concert with Department Managers to establish a blueprint for providing
services throughout the harbor and as a working financial plan for the fiscal year. It also
represents the plan by which Port District policies, priorities and programs are implemented.
The budget provides the means to communicate with stakeholders, businesses and
employees how the District’s financial resources are used to provide services and support to
the harbor community. The budget includes projected income from our leaseholds, operating
costs and the Capital Improvement projects that the District plans to undertake during the
fiscal year.
As an enterprise fund, the District generates 88% of its total revenues from all of the real
estate transactions in the harbor. In other words, the District receives a minimum rent and/or
a percentage of a tenant’s gross sales from all of the business operations in the harbor
(excluding the Channel Islands National Park). The other 12% of non-operating revenues
are derived from the Port District’s share of property taxes within the City of Ventura and
dedicated to public safety through our Harbor Patrol: Every public agency in the City receives
a percentage of these property taxes.
The total revenue projected for the FY2017–18 is $9,263,000. Below is a chart that identifies
the source of these revenues:
The FY2016-17 estimated/actual projections shown on the budget for comparison have been
updated from the 5/10/17 version of the budget. The current FY2016-2017 operating
revenue projections have been increased in the Village lease income and investment income
categories. Current year expenses have been increased in wages, equipment & repairs,
professional services, and utilities. The current year improvement expenses have been
decreased as some of the projects have been carried forward into FY2017-18. Staff has
provided comments in the budget to explain major changes in a particular category from one
year to the next and to explain specialty line items.
Operating Revenue:
Staff has developed a fiscally conservative budget for FY2017-18. We are projecting an
overall 3% increase in the operating revenues. There is a projected increase of 4% in
revenues associated with the Master ground leases and a 4% increase in revenues
associated with the Harbor Village complex. Below is a graph that outlines the operating
revenue from 2008 to 2017. There continues to be a gradual upward trend in operating
revenues. The onetime special revenues from ground leases, $630,676 in FY2015-16 and
$1,200,000 in FY2016-17, have not been included and are not reflected in the graph below
as it skews the normal annual revenue trend.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Operating Revenue
Operating Expenses:
There is a projected 8% increase in the operating expenses which is partially attributed to the
proposed increase in payroll expenses.
Other expense categories continue to increase 3% to 12% annually. This includes for
• General insurance and liability
• Utilities and trash
• Outside service contracts
• Professional services
• Fuel expenses
Below is a chart that outlines the operating expenditures for the past three years and the
proposed 2018.
Total Operating Expenditures
2015 4,818,854 – 1%
2016 4,955,798 3%
2017 5,196,300 5%
2018 5,593,000 8%
Salary Strategy
Last year the Board’s salary strategy provided for a 4% increase for all non-represented
miscellaneous employees; this excluded safety employees of the District. The 4% was
earmarked to cover a portion of the employees’ PERS contribution. The Harbor Patrol
(safety) already contributes 4% of the employees’ PERS retirement contribution. The
Security Dockmasters at Harbor Village are currently in an MOU with the District which
expires on August 31, 2017. As a result they were not affected by this 4% increase that all
other miscellaneous employees received. There remains 3% of the employees’ PERS
retirement contribution that is paid by the District.
In general terms, the salary strategy proposed at the May 10th Board meeting included a 3%
increase for all employees. This increase would be earmarked to complete the employees’
share of the PERS retirement contribution. This salary strategy necessitates meet and
confer requirements with represented and non-represented employees. This 3% translates
into approximately $64,000 in gross wages. In addition to this proposal, it was
recommended that the Board consider adding 3% toward employee wages. This would have
been utilized as follows:
1) To reward those employees who have been evaluated by their supervisor
and have performed exceptionally in his/her department.
2) To elevate those employees who are at the lower end of their salary range
and are doing a satisfactory job or better as evaluated by their supervisor.
Staff had previously proposed the 3% plus 3% salary strategy as a catch-up plan to the
modest approach utilized from 2009-2016. During this period, there were five years without
any payroll adjustments to District employees. (See attachment 2.) For some employees this
period has kept them at the lower end of their pay range. Based upon our evaluation, we
have determined that of the 34 full-time employees there are 14 employees (41%) in the
lower 25th percentile of their salary range.
At the May 10th Board meeting, however, the Board requested that staff present some
alternatives that include PERS and Non-PERS related compensation adjustments. The
following proposal does both. It includes: A) a 2% salary increase for all employees that will
be earmarked for the employees’ portion of the PERS retirement contribution; B) a 1% cost
of living adjustment; C) an increase of $75 per month per employee to the Optional Benefit
Plan and D) provide a vision plan with premiums paid by the District. A & B will impact
PERS; whereas C & D will not have an impact on PERS. All changes for the nonrepresented
and represented employees will need to go thru the meet and confer process.
The total value of this proposal is approximately $62,000 or 3% of payroll keeping in mind the
2% increase in wages reduces PERS by 2%.
We look forward to the Board’s input on the proposed salary strategies for the FY2017-18.
Any modification to the General Managers compensation must be negotiated and approved
by the Board as required in the General Manager’s employment agreement with the District.
Capital Improvements:
Implementing a robust five year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) has been a priority to the
District. Some of the priorities include:
• Accessibility Improvements at Harbor Village
• Various roof replacements at Harbor Village
• Painting of Harbor Village buildings
• Refurbishment of Harbor Village docks D, G,& H
• Fish pier resurfacing to help maintain the life of the fish pier
• Repair and slurry coat parking lots maintained by the District throughout the harbor
The planning for all of these projects is already underway and have been discussed with the
Board in previous Board meetings.
Below is a summary of the projected revenues and expenditures for the FY2017-18:
FY2017-18 Budget Summary
Operating Income $8,103,000
Non-operating Income (Property Tax) 1,160,000
Total Income $9,263,000
Operating Expenses $5,593,000
Non-operating Expenses (Debt Service) 1,260,000
Harbor Patrol / Safety / Launch Ramp 1,359,000
Total Expenditures $8,212,000
Cash Flows Before Improvements1 $1,051,000
Improvements $3,561,000
Deficit Cash Flow after Capital Improvements $(2,510,000)
Note: 1
Grant monies are not included in the projected revenues or expenses.
Attached is the proposed budget for FY2017–18 and proposed Five Year Capital
Improvement Plan. Included with these reports are detailed worksheets of the budget by
department and a five-year capital improvement plan.
The FY2017-18 budget reflects a positive cash flow of $1,051,000 from normal operations.
The budget also reflects improvement expenditures of $3,561,000 of which $2,510,000 will
be funded using unrestricted cash reserves. The estimated unrestricted reserve balance at
6/30/2017 is $9,000,000.
The General Manager will continue to manage the harbor operations, facilitate the harborwide
distribution of public information and ensure that services are provided efficiently,
effectively and with diligent oversight. District staff will continue to further the District’s
Mission Statement as outlined on attachment 1.
Attachment 1 – Mission Statement: Goals and Objectives FY2017-18
Attachment 2 – Wage Freeze History
Attachment 3 – Budget FY2017-18
Attachment 4 – Tenant Improvement Budget FY2017-18
Attachment 5 – Summary of Five Year Capital Improvements and Accessibility Plans
Attachment 6 – Budget Detail by Department FY2017-18
Attachment 7 – Capital Improvements and Accessibility Plans Detail Five Year Projection
Attachment 8 – Historical & Projected Revenue and Expense Cash Flows
Attachment 9 – Resolution No. 3334 – Approve FY2017-18 Budget
Attachment 10 – Resolution No. 3335 – Salary Schedule for Non-represented Employees
Attachment 11 – Resolution No. 3336 – Employer Paid Member Contributions to CalPERS
The Ventura Port District, home to the Channel Islands National Park, provides a safe and navigable
harbor and a seaside destination that benefits residents, visitors, fishermen and boaters to enjoy
Ventura Harbor’s exceptional facilities, events and services.
The Ventura Port District will provide a rewarding and vibrant coastal marine experience to our
residents and visitors through efficient and timely execution of these District Goals.
1) Maintain and enhance a safe and navigable harbor by:
A. securing funding through the Army Corps of Engineers in coordination with agencies and
our elected officials;
B. dredging the Inner Harbor and preserving infrastructure;
C. providing superior Harbor Patrol, Maintenance, and related Port District services;
D. preserving and enhancing infrastructure, equipment and facilities for a modernized,
efficient and safe working harbor.
2) Support and promote commercial and recreational boating and fishing.
3) Increase economic development, vitality, and diversity of the District through effective leasing
and marketing strategies.
4) Promote sustainable use of our natural environment through business practices and programs
designed in concert with our tenants, educators, agencies, and interest groups.
5) Build respectful, productive, and mutually beneficial business relationships with our tenants,
public agencies, elected officials and the community.
6) Provide exceptional public service and transparency at all levels within the organization
through effective leadership, training, mentoring, and oversight. This promotes accountability,
increased public trust, and a more efficient, effective and public focused organization.
2017 – 2018 Objectives
1) Assure annual maintenance dredging of the harbor’s federal entrance channel area and periodic
dredging of the inner harbor channels.
a. In coordination with the District’s Washington legislative advocate, members of
Congress, the Army Corps of Engineers and OMB, secure $5 to $7 million per year to
support the maintenance dredging effort.
b. In coordination with the Los Angeles District of the Army Corps of Engineers, assume
that a federal contract is in place for each year’s maintenance dredging effort and that
the contract is executed in compliance with regulatory requirements.
c. Maintain all regulatory entitlements necessary for the maintenance dredging of the
inner harbor channels in compliance with navigational requirements and legal
2) Continue support of the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise through implementation of the NOAA 2015
SeaGrant Subaward.
a. Task 1 – Complete Strategic Permitting Plan and circulate for regulatory comments.
b. Task 2 – Initiate requisite permit applications and environmental review including the
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) to comply with the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) and necessary Federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
c. Task 3 – Complete outreach to the public and fishing stakeholders through 8 public
workshops and 3 site selection workshops.
3) Negotiations on Parcels 5 and 8.
a. Complete Pre-Option and Agreements
b. Enter into a Lease
c. Complete due diligence requirements
4) Develop a comprehensive leasing strategy for Harbor Village to attract and retain a vibrant,
diverse mix of economically viable retail, restaurant and office tenants.
a. Increase outreach efforts for available spaces through marketing, advertising, trade
show participation and direct contacts;
b. Increase annual rental revenue at or above C.P.I.;
c. Be at or above market rental rates and at or below market vacancy rates.
5) Collaborate with the owners of Rhumb Line and BS Taproom to complete permitting process to
revitalize each restaurant.
a. Continue to provide tenant with assistance on City of Ventura entitlement and
permitting requirements;
b. Conduct monthly meetings with tenant and architect to meet project deadlines.
6) Contract with vendor to provide Village vehicle and pedestrian traffic counts for leasing analytics
and marketing purposes.
a. Data reports that will provide District with the ability to identify trends and metrics of
b. Hourly, directional, locations and weather information;
c. Studies to identify which entrance is dominant to the Village and/or businesses
d. Provide different graphs and visualization tools to create specific reports
e. Internal usage studies on how pedestrian traffic flows within buildings
7) Enhance the Harbor Patrol training program to provide for the necessary knowledge and skills to
ensure their safety while providing the highest level of service to the public.
a. Improve usage of online training through an annual subscription to Target Solutions.
b. Participate in trainings with other agencies.
c. Develop an internal training program with a training coordinator and curriculum for fulltime
and part-time employees.
8) Continually maintain and upgrade the Harbor Village facilities in order to enhance the Port
District’s return on its financial investment, while also enhancing public utilization of those
a. Complete Phase 3 ADA improvements/enhancements at Harbor Village.
b. Preserve and modernize the appearance of Harbor Village buildings by repainting.
c. Continue the modernization of our two out of five elevators at Harbor Village.
d. Replace approximately 140 original wooden windows with double pane vinyl windows
for buildings at Harbor Village.
e. Assure that pavement repairs and seal coating of the Harbor Village parking lots are
accomplished in the fall of 2017.
f. Maintain parking lot brick walls and replace exterior stainless steel public shower with
water conservation automatic push valves at Harbor Cove and Surfers Knoll beaches.
g. Replace electrician boom van, which is utilized for fish dock crane repairs, light fixture
replacements in parking lots and building exteriors.
9) Continue to inspect and maintain commercial fish pier at Harbor Village
a. To extend the useful life of the pier, approximately 50% of the fish pier will be
resurfaced to arrest the chloride contamination and alkali silica reaction in the
concreate deck.
b. Assure that crane no. 1 is replaced with a 1 ton derrick crane.
10) Complete the design and construction drawings for the reconfiguration of Docks D, G, H at
Harbor Village Marina.
a. New configuration on G and H docks will accommodate new “super seiner” commercial
fishing vessels
b. Configuration of Dock D will remain the same, serving both commercial and recreational
11) Install security cameras to enhance security
a. Administration building
b. Ventura Harbor Village
c. Other Port District property
12) Invest in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to maximize value by ensuring a higher share of
relevant and interested customers to visit the harbor websites.
a. Determine vendor to work with the launch the SEM campaign
b. Research and evaluate online banner advertising on specific sites targeting the harbor
c. Review Facebook advertising opportunities and evaluate value

13) Amplify the harbor’s storytelling to inspire customer visitation, buying, and awareness while
developing more content for social sites and websites.
a. Develop a harbor blog post to generate more in depth content on harbor offerings
b. Instagram stories monthly using video, contests and campaigns to heighten
communications with Harbor customers
c. New photography and work with the local tourism partners on video shoots
d. Market the Beautification Project in the Village with new photography and new Village
design of the interior map to reflect new artwork, fireplaces, stage and palms to capture
customer interest.

14) Partner with Island Packers on cooperative efforts to marketing Ventura Harbor as an adventure
destination and highlighting Ventura Harbor Village as the attraction to launch to the Channel
a. Develop branded ads for Los Angeles Visitor Guide and California Visitor Guide
b. Ventura Harbor Rack Cards in Certified Rack holders to offer a chance to win Whale
Watching tickets with Island Packers – to define as an adventure destination. Adventure and
millennial travel tourism continues to climb in 2017, enhancing both Island Packers and on
the water opportunities.
15) Outreaching to local and state tourism partners to develop messages tying into the Visit
California momentum on Kidifornia and Dream Big campaigns and content.
a. Earmark Ventura Harbor as a Kidifornia stop off Highway 1 for family travelers working
with Visit Ventura, Ventura County Coast and Central Coast Tourism
b. Develop a storyline working with Island Packers and the Channel Islands National Park
on how to Dream Big on the islands
In the first meeting of May, staff presented information about the wage freeze periods implemented
by the District. Below is a revised schedule that illustrates both the wage freeze periods and those
years a salary increase was implemented. As outlined, there were two years that provided an
increase, 5% in 2011 and 3% in 2013. In 2017 a 4% increase was provided to the non-represented
employees which was earmarked for the employees contribution to PERS.
Wage Freeze Periods
7/01/2009 – 6/30/2010 No increase
7/01/2010 – 6/30/2011 5% average increase
7/01/2011 – 6/30/2012 No increase
7/01/2012 – 6/30/2013 3% average increase
7/01/2013 – 6/30/2014 No increase
7/01/2014 – 6/30/2015 No increase
7/01/2015 – 6/30/2016 No increase
7/01/2016 – 6/30/2017 4% for Non-represented PERS Misc.
(This increase went towards the Employee’s
contribution to PERS.)
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Act Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Parcel Lease Income 2,945,857 2,990,000 3,109,538 3,035,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 3,190,000 Re-evaluated after speaking to some of the master tenants
Portside Partners Lease 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 240,000 240,000 300,000 Portside Partners-first full year of lease
Lease appreciation & signing rents – – 630,676 – 1,200,000 1,200,000 – Special onetime income
Dry Storage Income 83,787 80,000 113,371 97,000 120,000 110,000 120,000 Projected rate increase
Commercial Fishermen’s Storage 69,453 70,000 63,694 76,500 70,000 70,000 74,000
Parking Income 62,895 55,000 71,084 65,000 70,000 70,000 72,000 Projected rate increase
Misc. Income/Rentals 126,805 109,000 129,318 101,500 128,000 71,000 96,000
Harbor Village Lease Income
Retail 450,752 425,000 435,159 410,000 475,000 460,000 485,000 New lease Ultimate Escape Room-first full year
Restaurant 912,900 870,000 1,011,992 965,000 1,040,000 965,000 1,100,000 Restuarants have increased their bar service which result in higher sales
Offices 558,711 555,000 606,143 605,000 615,000 630,000 610,000
Charters 358,826 355,000 331,577 350,000 345,000 300,000 370,000 Closure of pier at Santa Cruz Island impacted last years charters
Commercial Fishing Premises 70,337 70,000 102,725 95,000 155,000 130,000 150,000
Fish Offloading 166,045 150,000 96,068 120,000 95,000 100,000 110,000
Harbor Village Misc. Income 3,754 6,000 5,360 6,000 7,000 5,500 5,500
Booth/Vendor Income 11,800 9,500 13,987 10,000 7,500 7,500 7,500
Sponsorships 17,225 16,500 15,485 16,500 14,000 14,000 14,000
Harbor Event Permits 43,754 33,000 38,691 40,500 34,500 34,500 29,000 Reduced due to a change in Wedgewood events
Harbor Village Marina Slip Rentals 888,259 876,000 923,750 926,000 910,000 910,000 930,000 Projected rate increase
Harbor Village CAM Income 273,628 270,000 310,271 295,000 330,000 305,000 335,000 Projected rate increase
Harbor Village Merchants Promo Dues 85,878 80,000 88,933 90,000 95,000 95,000 105,000
TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 7,190,666 7,080,000 8,157,822 7,364,000 9,051,000 8,817,500 8,103,000
% change from previous years actual -1% -1% 13% 4% 11% 20% -10%
% change before special revenues na na 5% 2% 4% 1% 3%
Revised 6/28/2017
FY17-18 Budget Continued, 6/28/2017
Actual Budget #REF! Budget Est/Act Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Personnel Expenses
Total Wages 1,561,080 1,584,500 1,593,087 1,640,500 1,604,700 1,646,500 1,707,500 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Other Personnel Expenses
Payroll Taxes & Unemployment 24,616 27,500 25,185 29,500 25,600 26,000 35,000
Workers Comp Insurance 121,803 123,000 62,226 63,000 68,000 68,000 69,000 JPIA & Alliant Insurances
Medical & Life Insurance 212,998 221,500 216,411 224,000 225,000 224,000 233,000 Correct budget-Add OPEB ‘pay as you go’ expense
Optional Benefit Plans 144,013 146,000 147,563 149,000 143,000 149,000 179,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 346,096 368,500 381,598 389,500 377,000 378,000 361,500 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Totals Other Personnel Exp 849,526 886,500 832,983 855,000 838,600 845,000 877,500
Total Personnel Expenses 2,410,606 2,471,000 2,426,070 2,495,500 2,443,300 2,491,500 2,585,000
% change from previous years actual 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 6%
General Expenses
Advertising (Public notices) 10,360 12,000 7,407 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Leasing / Real Estate – – 14,698 17,000 17,000 17,000 20,000
Port District Open House 550 5,000 3,375 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Auto Mileage & Allowance 12,013 15,000 9,660 13,500 10,000 11,500 14,000
Auto Equipment & Maint. 26,096 34,000 20,286 34,500 32,000 32,000 23,000 Addition of newer vehicles will reduce maintenance costs
Bad Debt 24,375 36,000 18,213 25,000 25,000 25,000 18,000
Bank Fees & Other Misc. 10,226 15,000 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Building Maintenance 186,782 279,000 224,550 278,000 289,000 288,000 334,000 Includes suite refurbishment as necessary with electrical upgrades; $25k Greek main line sewer repairs; and 1559 inner courtyard railings on steps
Communications 42,402 41,000 47,738 43,000 50,000 50,000 45,000 Corrected budget-There will be a savings with new RingCentral phone system of aprox $5,000
Conferences, Meetings & Training 27,846 42,500 21,547 41,500 37,000 39,000 42,500 Added one ICSC conference attendee
Dock & Fish Pier Maint. & Repairs 43,165 59,000 32,884 49,000 44,500 44,500 44,500
Equipment Rental 15,992 28,000 27,270 23,500 21,500 21,500 19,500
General Harbor Maintenance 4,668 5,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
General Liability Insurance 273,447 274,500 265,268 260,000 224,000 224,000 266,000 JPIA & Alliant Insurances
Grounds Maintenance 85,758 155,500 136,503 111,000 161,000 154,000 157,000
Grounds Maint.-Special – – – – – – 15,000
Phase 3-furnishings — benches, large plant pots, trash cans, etc- These
items were negotiated out of the bid to help bring contract price down before
the bid was accepted
Janitorial Supplies 41,082 52,000 40,882 60,500 57,000 57,000 61,000
Land/Building Rental Expense 69,453 70,000 63,694 76,500 70,000 70,000 74,000
Memberships & Subscriptions 19,305 21,000 20,489 21,500 20,500 23,000 21,500
Office Computer Equip & Related 19,726 24,000 15,824 20,500 31,000 31,000 49,000
FY17-18 Budget Continued, 6/28/2017
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Act Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
General Expenses Continued
Office Supplies & Equipment 25,297 51,500 30,544 30,000 31,500 31,500 31,500
Operating Supplies 23,644 34,500 24,291 34,000 30,500 30,500 26,500
Other Equipment & Repairs 35,491 41,500 48,705 46,000 56,000 42,000 45,500
Professional Serv. – Auditing 13,483 15,000 16,861 20,000 22,000 35,000 35,000
Professional Serv. – Legal 228,847 240,000 236,150 245,000 240,000 225,000 250,000 Ground lease negotiations-parcels 5, 8 & 20
Professional Serv. – Shellfish – – – – 40,000 40,000 72,000 Plauche Carr-$20k; Dudek-9% of grant $10k + $20k; Sea Sketch-$12k; Blake Stok-$10k-expenses not recovered by grant
Professional/Outside Services 291,577 363,500 247,266 304,500 306,500 320,500 324,000
Replace outside building fire sprinkler heads & related plumbing within the
Did not receive a new salvage grant in FY18, we will utilize the remainder of
the old grant and add $5k salvage not covered by grant
Prof. Serv/Customer Count Study Survey/leased equip – – – – – 35,000 Initial set-up $20k plus annual monitoring $15k
Prof. Serv/Downtown Trolley Partnership 24,000 25,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 25,000
Uniforms & Tool Allowances 12,974 15,500 13,029 17,000 17,500 17,500 16,500
Utilities and Trash 344,204 383,000 314,503 411,500 355,000 378,000 401,500
Dredging Related Expenses 227,706 260,000 323,728 305,000 220,500 236,000 234,500
Total General Expenses 2,140,469 2,598,000 2,263,865 2,541,000 2,463,000 2,497,500 2,731,000
% change from previous years actual -3% 5% 6% -2% 9% -2% 11%
Marketing & Promotional Expenses
Advertising & Marketing 131,070 131,000 135,375 134,500 137,000 137,000 140,000 Increase attributed to rate increase in advertising costs
Ad Production/Graphic Design 20,700 20,000 22,574 22,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Marketing Conversion Study – – – – 5,000 10,000 5,000 Market research study will not be complete by June2017
Street Event Banners 641 1,000 1,222 1,500 10,500 10,500 2,500 Purchased street banners in the FY17 budget
Village Maps/Promotional Materials 17,667 20,000 14,468 16,500 15,000 15,000 15,000
Certified Rack 2,447 2,500 2,480 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Tourism Outreach, FAM Tours & Meetings 3,552 9,000 7,722 9,000 9,500 9,500 9,500
Entertainment & Music 21,181 23,000 21,319 23,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Brand Build/Promotions/Campaigns/Events 56,684 60,000 47,406 63,500 60,000 60,000 50,000 Reduction in events
Content/Web/Paid Social Media 13,762 18,500 13,286 13,600 10,000 10,000 12,000
Miscellaneous 75 500 11 400 500 500 500
Total Marketing & Promotional Expenses 267,779 285,500 265,863 286,500 290,000 295,000 277,000
% change from previous years actual 1% 0% -1% 0% 9% 3% -4%
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 4,818,854 5,354,500 4,955,798 5,323,000 5,196,300 5,284,000 5,593,000
% change from previous years actual -1% 3% 3% -1% 5% -1% 8%
Operating Cash Flows In (Out) 2,371,812 1,725,500 3,202,024 2,041,000 3,854,700 3,533,500 2,510,000
FY17-18 Budget Continued, 6/28/2017
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Act Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
142,124 218,000 90,239 168,000 128,500 159,500 199,000 See Harbor Patrol budget
Cost of Issuance/Rate resetting premium – – 91,765 135,600 – – –
COP’s Interest Payment 450,213 455,000 378,787 435,000 440,000 440,000 430,000
DBAW Loan#1 Interest Payment $4m 158,977 160,000 118,263 160,000 – – –
DBAW Loan#2 Interest Payment $1.5m 54,250 55,000 39,703 55,000 – – –
Principle Payments on bonds/loans 616,306 620,000 639,912 640,000 825,000 825,000 830,000
TOTAL NON-OPER. EXPENDITURES 1,421,870 1,508,000 1,358,669 1,593,600 1,393,500 1,424,500 1,459,000
% change from previous years actual 2% -4% -4% 6% 3% -11% 5%
949,942 217,500 1,843,355 447,400 2,461,200 2,109,000 1,051,000
Building Tenant Improvements 163,911 230,000 295,127 285,000 150,000 500,000 392,000 See Attached Schedule
Accessibility Improvements 117,768 265,000 21,120 800,000 1,550,000 1,835,000 500,000 See attached Capital Improvement and ADA Accessibility Improvement Plan
Capital Improvements Projects 202,220 1,581,000 1,624,047 1,230,000 590,000 1,345,000 2,669,000 See attached Capital Improvement and ADA Accessibility Improvement Plan
Annual Cash Flows In(out) after Improveme 466,043 (1,858,500) (96,939) (1,867,600) 171,200 (1,571,000) (2,510,000)
(466,043) 1,858,500 96,939 1,867,600 (171,200) 1,571,000 2,510,000
Projected Unrestricted Reserve Balance 7,704,000 $ $ 5,700,000 8,000,000$ 6,764,000$ 9,000,000$ 6,429,000$ 6,490,000$
Annual Cash Flows In (Out) from normal
operations before any Improvements
Improvements funded through
Unrestricted Improvement Reserve Fund
DBW Loans refunded as
Series 2016 COP’s
Harbor Patrol expenses not funded by
property taxes
FY17-18 Budget Continued, 6/28/2017
Harbor Patrol Department Expenses funded from Property Taxes and Assessments collected by the County of Ventura
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Act Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
1,042,763 1,010,000 1,090,940 1,070,000 1,140,000 1,090,000 1,160,000
5% 5% 5% 6% 4% 2% 2%
Harbor Patrol Personnel Expenses
Total Wages 604,676 626,500 691,399 674,000 688,000 663,500 688,000 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Payroll Taxes & Unemployment 10,761 15,000 15,498 15,000 14,000 14,500 16,000
Workers Comp Insurance 192,000 192,000 107,731 108,000 117,000 117,000 103,000
Medical & Life Insurance 54,578 59,000 52,910 50,500 61,500 61,500 62,000
Optional Benefit Plans 47,089 50,000 43,707 45,000 45,000 45,000 51,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 91,264 95,000 117,226 117,000 122,500 122,500 116,000 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total Harbor Patrol Personnel Exp 1,000,368 1,037,500 1,028,471 1,009,500 1,048,000 1,024,000 1,036,000
% change from previous year actual 6% 7% 3% -3% 2% 1% -1%
Harbor Patrol Other Expenses
Uniforms 25,021 31,000 16,278 18,000 13,000 13,000 13,000
Oil & Fuel Expense 26,201 34,000 22,987 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000
Operating Supplies & Expense 10,510 21,000 30,929 36,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
Boat Maintenance 85,363 60,000 29,045 65,000 60,000 60,000 140,000
Install boat engines and electronics purchased with a DBW grant in FY17;
Fireboat plumbing conversion & maint.; Fireboat shock absorbing seats; Boat
19 replace non-skid decking
Auto Equip & Maint. 6,463 5,000 4,499 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500
Conferences & Training 6,235 3,500 4,392 4,000 5,000 5,000 7,500
Summer Lifeguard Services 24,726 32,000 44,368 59,000 60,000 65,000 80,000 As per contract
Professional Services – 4,000 210 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Total Harbor Patrol Other Expenses 184,519 190,500 152,708 228,500 220,500 225,500 323,000
% change from previous year actual 15% 17% -17% 20% 44% -1% 46%
Total Harbor Patrol Expenses 1,184,887 1,228,000 1,181,179 1,238,000 1,268,500 1,249,500 1,359,000
7% 9% 0% 1% 7% 1% 7%
(142,124) (218,000) (90,239) (168,000) (128,500) (159,500) (199,000)
Expenditures remaining after Property Tax
Revenues were applied are funded from
Operating Revenues
Property Taxes and Assessments
from County
FY17-18 Budget Continued, 6/28/2017
Expenditures funded by Grants and Special Funding
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Act Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Grants and Special Funding
NOAA Grant-Shellfish Aquaculture-2015 – – 49,549 50,000 60,000 65,000 150,000 To be extended into FY18
DBAW Grants-abandon vessel & vessel turn-in 10,563 13,500 6,300 5,500 14,000 14,000 5,000
DBAW Grants-Boat Equipment – 49,500 – 59,500 40,000 55,000 15,000
DBAW Grant-Training Expense Reimburseme – 6,000 – 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
DBAW Grants-Launch Ramp Slope 21,881 167,000 31,281 – – – –
TOTAL GRANTS & SPECIAL FUNDING 32,444 236,000 87,130 125,000 114,000 144,000 180,000
Projects, Equipment and Training Expenses
NOAA Grant-Shellfish Aquaculture-2015 – – 49,549 50,000 60,000 65,000 150,000 To be extended into FY18
Vessel Salvage-Abandoned and Turn-in 10,563 13,500 6,300 5,500 14,000 14,000 5,000
Boat Engines & Equipment for new boat – 49,500 – 59,500 40,000 55,000 15,000
Harbor Patrol Training – 6,000 – 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
Renovate Launch Ramp Slope 21,881 167,000 31,281 – – – –
TOTAL PROJECTS & EQUIPMENT 32,444 236,000 87,130 125,000 114,000 144,000 180,000
FY17-18 Building Tenant Improvements
Footage Improvements Cost
1559 Spinnaker Dr #109 1,380 Buildout new retail space from downsized premises 25,000
1583 Spinanker Dr #101 3,764 Contribution to restroom refurbish 10,000
1591 Spinnaker Dr #115 1,537 Kitchen/Plumbing/Electrical/Expansion as per Lease 350,000
All Projects
Architectural Engineering, Project Management &
Contingency – 20% (rounded)** 7,000
TOTAL 392,000 $
** The 20% of architectural engineering management is not calculated on the $350,000 for 1591 Spinnaker Drive #115.
The total contractual TI obligation for 1591 Spinnaker Drive #115 is $350,000.
Revised 6/28/17
Fiscal Yr Fiscal Yr Fiscal Yr Fiscal Yr Fiscal Yr
Item # Project Location/Description 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22
1 National Park Service Bldg – refurbish chair elevator 15,000
2 Harbor Village Bldgs – refurbish elevators 110,000 125,000
3 Harbor Village Window Replacement 145,000
4 Harbor Village Bldgs-replace/repair roofs/tiles/gutters 1,500,000 660,000 1,000,000
5 National Park Service Bldg – 1691 Bldg – HVAC system 100,000
6 Harbor Village Bldgs – paint all exterior walls/trim/facades 650,000
7 Dry Storage Lot – replace/repair fencing 20,000
8 Fish Pier – resurface as needed 400,000 400,000
9 Fish Pier Crane #1 – replace aging crane 150,000
10 District Headquarter – replace Mintenance and Patrol vehicles 51,000 65,000 40,000
11 District Headquarters – replace HVAC condenser unit system 20,000
12 District Headquarters – emergency generator 70,000
13 Harbor – all parking lots-repair as needed/slurry coating 700,000
14 Harbor Village Entrance Feature Revitalization & Wayfinding 250,000
15 Harbor Village Trash Enclosure – refurbish 50,000
16 New Launch Ramp Pay Station 20,000
17 Paid Parking Equipment and Infrastructure 25,000 250,000
18 Village Marina Renovation-Docks D,G,&H 75,000 4,400,000
19 Harbor Cove & Surfers Knoll – public showers refurbishment 25,000
20 Harbor Cove & Surfers Knoll – Brick Wall replacement 20,000 300,000
21 Harbor Village-Marketing/Marina office – HVAC System 18,000
22 1567 Carousel Building-retro-fit for future use 300,000
ADA-22 Carousel Courtyard Revitalization & Phase 3 ADA Accessibility 500,000
ADA-23 Harbor Village – ADA Restroom Improvements 75,000 275,000 225,000
ADA-24 Harbor Village – ADA Staircases – stainless steel hand rails 90,000
2,669,000 5,445,000 1,850,000 1,290,000 700,000
500,000 165,000 275,000 225,000 –
3,169,000 5,610,000 2,125,000 1,515,000 700,000
3,169,000 1,210,000 2,125,000 1,515,000 700,000
Capital Improvements and ADA Improvements Plan
Summary of Five Year Projection
Special Funding for Village Marina Dock Renovation (#18 above)
Total Capital Improvement Plan
Total ADA Improvement Plan
Revised 6/28/17
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Parcel Lease Income 2,945,857 2,990,000 3,109,538 3,035,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 3,190,000 Re-evaluated after speaking to some of the master tenants
SRP Lease Rent 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 240,000 240,000 300,000 Portside Partners-first full year of lease
Lease appreciation/signing rent – – 630,676 – 1,200,000 1,200,000 –
Dry Storage Income 83,787 80,000 113,371 97,000 120,000 110,000 120,000 Projected rate increase
Commercial Fishermen’s Storage 69,453 70,000 63,694 76,500 70,000 70,000 74,000 As per lease
Boat Wash-down Income 5,030 3,000 4,090 4,500 4,000 4,000 4,000
Commercial ID’s Income 7,395 7,000 9,580 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Parking Income 62,895 55,000 71,084 65,000 70,000 70,000 72,000 Projected rate increase
Sales of Services & Supplies 3,891 15,000 2,860 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Misc. Rentals 61,144 59,000 60,239 56,000 40,000 30,000 30,000
Investment Income 49,345 25,000 52,549 30,000 72,000 25,000 50,000
Harbor Village Lease Income
Retail 450,752 425,000 435,159 410,000 475,000 460,000 485,000 New lease Ultimate Escape Room-first full year
Restaurant 912,900 870,000 1,011,992 965,000 1,040,000 965,000 1,100,000 Restuarants have increased their bar service which result in higher sales
Offices 558,711 555,000 606,143 605,000 615,000 630,000 610,000
Charters 358,826 355,000 331,577 350,000 345,000 300,000 370,000 Closure of pier at Santa Cruz Island impacted last years charters
Commercial Fish Premises 70,337 70,000 102,725 95,000 155,000 130,000 150,000
Fish Offloading 166,045 150,000 96,068 120,000 95,000 100,000 110,000
Tenant Late Charges 647 1,000 1,162 1,000 2,000 500 500
Vending Machines/Misc Sales 3,107 5,000 4,198 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Booth/vendor income 11,800 9,500 13,987 10,000 7,500 7,500 7,500
Sponsorships/Co-Op Advertising 17,225 16,500 15,485 16,500 14,000 14,000 14,000
Harbor Event Permit Fees 43,754 33,000 38,691 40,500 34,500 34,500 29,000 Reduced due to a change in Wedgewood events
Marina Slip Rentals 855,686 850,000 891,688 900,000 880,000 880,000 900,000 Projected rate increase
Marina Electrical Income 32,573 26,000 32,062 26,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
CAM Income 273,628 270,000 310,271 295,000 330,000 305,000 335,000 Projected rate increase
Merchants Promotion Dues 85,878 80,000 88,933 90,000 95,000 95,000 105,000
TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 7,080,000 7,190,666 7,364,000 8,157,822 9,051,000 8,817,500 8,103,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -1% -2% 13% 2% 11% 8% -10%
before special rents 5% 2% 4% 1% 3%
Version 6/28/17 – Page 1 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Maintenance Personnel Expenses
Regular Salaries 251,576 250,000 241,937 260,500 284,000 284,000 287,000 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Overtime Pay 2,319 6,000 2,776 4,500 8,000 3,000 5,000 FY17 increase in overtime for shift coverage
Holiday Pay 1,114 2,000 723 2,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Payroll Taxes & Unemployment 4,523 4,500 3,495 5,500 4,200 4,500 11,500 Increased costs of unemployment benefit
Workers Comp Insurance 37,500 37,500 18,207 18,000 21,500 21,500 22,000
Medical & Life Insurance 38,261 39,500 39,306 41,500 41,500 41,000 42,000
Employee Optional Benefits 24,370 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,500 24,000 30,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 62,461 64,000 67,331 69,000 71,000 71,000 67,000 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total Maintenance Personnel Expenses 422,124 427,500 397,775 425,000 456,200 451,000 467,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -3% -7% -6% 1% 15% 13% 2%
Maintenance Other Expenses
Uniforms 4,124 6,000 3,903 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500
Oil & Fuel Expense 5,843 11,000 5,518 10,000 8,000 8,000 6,000
Operating Supplies 19,729 22,500 19,004 22,000 22,500 22,500 21,000
Janitorial Supplies 12,325 18,500 15,283 25,000 14,500 14,500 17,500
Equipment Rental 3,828 10,500 15,309 10,000 8,000 8,000 6,000
Auto Maintenance 11,658 15,500 5,503 15,000 14,000 14,000 7,000 Addition of newer vehicles will reduce maintenance costs
Building Maintenance 178,411 230,000 195,634 219,000 259,000 259,000 270,000
Includes suite refurbishment as necessary with electrical
upgrades; $25k Greek main line sewer repairs; and 1559 inner
courtyard railings on steps
Building Maintenance-Special – – – – 35,000 Replace restroom doors (including ADA hardware) HarborCove, Surfers Knoll and Launch ramp
Grounds Maintenance 46,403 100,000 84,450 67,500 110,000 110,000 110,000
Grounds Maintenance-Special – – – – – – 15,000
Phase 3-furnishings — benches, large plant pots, trash cans,
etc- These items were negotiated out of the bid to help bring
contract price down before the bid was accepted
Seasonal Decorations 21,845 26,000 27,543 26,000 26,000 26,000 25,000
Harbor Maintenance 4,668 5,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Docks Maint. & Repairs 7,099 8,000 931 7,000 6,500 6,500 6,500
Equipment & Repairs 31,295 35,000 39,920 40,000 50,000 36,000 40,000
Includes: elevators inspections & repairs; building fire sprinklers
inspections & repairs; repairs/replacement of small tools &
Conferences & Training 4,736 6,000 1,594 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,500
Utilities-Electrical 50,007 60,000 48,973 65,000 50,000 60,000 60,000
Utilities-Gas 1,701 2,500 1,729 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000
Utilities-Water 32,808 36,000 38,560 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Trash Disposal 16,534 20,000 15,449 20,000 18,000 18,000 25,000 Additional trash service needed for beaches and Village
Outside Services 47,964 40,000 53,507 82,000 70,000 84,000 90,000
Replace outside building fire sprinkler heads & related plumbing
within the Village.
Did not receive a new salvage grant in FY18, we will utilize the
remainder of the old grant and add $5k salvage not covered by
Total Maintenance Other Expense 500,978 652,500 575,310 666,000 714,000 724,000 796,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -27% -5% 15% 33% 24% 26% 11%
Total Maintenance 923,102 1,080,000 973,085 1,091,000 1,170,200 1,175,000 1,263,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -18% -4% 5% 18% 20% 21% 8%
Version 6/28/17 – Page 2 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Administration & General Personnel Exp
Regular Salaries 595,438 605,000 614,633 635,000 650,500 650,500 674,000 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Overtime Pay 557 3,500 1,654 2,500 – 2,500 1,000
Holiday Pay – – 241 – – 500 1,000
Payroll Taxes 7,628 7,500 9,203 7,500 9,900 8,500 10,000
Workers Comp Insurance 7,103 8,500 3,690 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500
Medical & Life Insurance 60,711 64,500 56,015 57,000 56,500 56,500 58,000
OPEB Benefits 9,286 8,500 11,856 12,000 12,500 12,500 12,000 Correct budget-Add OPEB ‘pay as you go’ expense
Employee Optional Benefits 45,420 46,000 48,971 49,000 49,500 49,500 59,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 148,267 154,000 166,062 169,500 165,000 160,500 155,500 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total Admin. & General Personnel Exp 874,410 897,500 912,325 936,500 948,400 945,500 975,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -2% 1% 4% 7% 4% 4% 3%
General & Administration Other Expenses
Advertising (public notices) 10,360 12,000 7,407 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Leasing / Real Estate – – 14,698 17,000 17,000 17,000 20,000
Port District Open House 550 5,000 3,375 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Telephone/WiFi Communications 42,402 41,000 47,738 43,000 50,000 50,000 45,000 Corrected budget-There will be a savings with new RingCentral phone system of aprox $5,000
Rental Expense-Fishermens Storage 69,453 70,000 63,694 76,500 70,000 70,000 74,000 As per lease
General Insurance 131,331 131,500 129,403 125,000 106,000 106,000 127,500 JPIA & Alliant Insurances
Memberships 13,335 14,500 13,884 14,300 13,000 16,000 14,000
Memberships-LAFCO Contribution. 5,009 5,000 4,942 5,700 5,500 5,500 5,500 As per LAFCO proposed FY18 budget
Subscriptions 961 1,500 1,663 1,500 2,000 1,500 2,000
Office Supplies & Equipment 21,208 45,000 27,540 25,000 26,500 26,500 26,500
Office Computer Equipment 17,298 21,000 13,610 12,500 23,000 23,000 41,000 Increase due to computer desktop software licensing renewals for all District staff and a new server setup
Security cameras/installs/maintenance 2,428 3,000 2,214 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Postage & Express 4,089 6,500 3,004 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Equipment Rental 12,164 17,500 11,961 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 Copiers/postage equipment
Auto Mileage & Allowance 12,013 15,000 9,660 13,500 10,000 11,500 14,000
Conferences & Meetings 22,552 35,000 19,953 33,000 31,500 31,500 34,500 Added one ICSC conference attendee
Professional Services – Auditing & Accounting 13,483 15,000 16,861 20,000 22,000 35,000 35,000 Additional accounting services needed for assistance with GASB and PERS compliances
Professional Services – Legal 228,847 240,000 236,150 245,000 240,000 225,000 250,000 Ground lease negotiations-parcels 5, 8 & 20
Professional Services – Shellfish Other (VSE) – – – – 40,000 40,000 72,000
Plauche Carr-$20k; Dudek-9% of grant $10k + $20k; Sea
Sketch-$12k; Blake Stok-$10k-expenses not recovered by
Professional Services – All others 145,671 223,500 96,907 121,000 135,500 135,500 130,000
VHV Customer Count Study/Lease Equipment – – – – – – 35,000 Initial set-up $20k plus annual monitoring $15k
Trolley services to stop in Harbor 24,000 25,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 25,000 New trolley will be in service
Bad Debt/Uncollectable accounts 24,375 36,000 18,213 25,000 25,000 25,000 18,000
Bank Fees & Other Misc. 10,226 15,000 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Total Admin. & General Other Expenses 811,755 978,000 778,877 853,500 893,500 895,500 1,021,500
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 1% 22% -4% 5% 15% 15% 14%
Total Admin & General Exp 1,875,500 1,686,165 1,790,000 1,691,202 1,841,900 1,841,000 1,996,500
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -1% 11% 0% 6% 9% 9% 8%
Version 6/28/17 – Page 3 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Harbor Village Marina Personnel Expenses
Regular Salaries 213,401 225,000 221,300 232,500 220,000 239,500 249,000 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Part-time Pay 9,992 20,000 4,549 12,500 3,700 8,000 4,000
Overtime Pay 4,736 4,500 8,123 6,000 5,500 5,500 6,000
Holiday Pay 5,565 6,000 5,279 8,500 6,000 7,000 7,000
Payroll Taxes 3,862 5,500 3,701 5,500 3,500 4,500 4,500
Workers Comp Insurance 37,700 37,500 17,696 18,000 19,500 19,500 19,500
Group Medical Insurance 44,019 46,000 46,094 47,500 47,500 48,000 48,000
Employee Optional Benefits 28,800 29,000 28,800 29,000 29,000 29,000 36,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 54,377 56,500 60,732 61,500 64,000 66,500 59,000 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total Marina Expenses Personnel 402,452 430,000 396,274 421,000 398,700 427,500 433,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -4% 4% -2% 5% 1% 8% 9%
Harbor Village Marina Other Expenses
Uniforms 3,379 5,000 3,579 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Fuel expense 262 1,000 688 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
General Insurance 34,446 35,000 34,446 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 JPIA & Alliant Insurances
Operating Supplies 3,119 9,000 1,310 9,000 5,000 5,000 2,500
Janitorial Supplies 8,216 7,500 7,514 7,500 13,500 13,500 13,500
Other Equipment Repairs – 1,500 743 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,000 Eliminating security vehicle
Building Maintenance – 4,000 – 4,000 5,000 4,000 4,000
Grounds Maintenance 5,778 19,500 11,205 8,000 15,000 8,000 12,000
Dock Maint. & Repairs 15,266 30,000 19,845 30,000 28,000 28,000 28,000
Fish Pier Repairs 20,800 21,000 12,108 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Conferences & Training 558 1,500 – 3,500 500 2,500 2,500 Marina Recreation Asso. Annual Conference
Utilities-Electrical 65,011 65,000 70,889 70,000 65,000 70,000 70,000
Utilities-Gas 5,127 8,000 4,901 8,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Utilities-Water 40,963 49,000 28,442 55,000 40,000 45,000 45,000
Trash Disposal 12,960 14,500 15,745 14,500 14,500 14,500 17,000
Professional/Outside Services 46,288 45,000 45,954 47,500 45,000 45,000 45,000 Fish pier deck evaluation moved to capital improvements
Misc. Expense – 500 – 500 500 500 500
Total Marina Other Expenses 262,173 317,000 257,369 312,000 290,500 294,500 298,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 14% 38% -2% 19% 13% 14% 3%
Total Marina Expenses 664,625 747,000 653,643 733,000 689,200 722,000 731,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 3% 16% -2% 10% 5% 10% 6%
Version 6/28/17 – Page 4 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Harbor Village Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Personnel Expenses
Regular Salaries 310,381 295,000 323,583 308,000 260,000 271,500 287,000 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Part-time Pay – – – – – – –
Overtime Pay 6,095 5,000 6,170 5,500 12,500 5,000 8,000 FY17-Increase in overtime for shift coverage
Holiday Pay 4,192 4,000 5,864 5,000 5,000 7,000 6,000
Payroll Taxes 4,642 6,000 4,797 6,500 4,000 4,500 4,500
Workers Comp Insurance 37,700 37,500 21,719 22,000 21,500 21,500 22,000
Group Medical Insurance 51,138 53,000 53,612 56,000 55,000 56,000 56,000
Employee Optional Benefits 33,231 34,000 33,600 34,000 32,000 34,000 42,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 57,748 59,000 62,503 64,000 54,000 55,500 55,500 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total C.A.M. Personnel Expenses 505,127 493,500 511,848 501,000 444,000 455,000 481,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 11% 9% 1% -1% -13% -11% 8%
Harbor Village Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Other Expenses
Uniforms 5,471 4,500 5,547 5,500 6,000 6,000 5,000
Oil & Fuel Expense 8,333 6,500 8,577 8,500 9,000 9,000 9,000
General Insurance 107,670 108,000 101,419 100,000 83,000 83,000 103,500 JPIA & Alliant Insurances
Operating Supplies 796 2,500 3,977 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Janitorial Supplies 20,541 26,000 18,085 28,000 29,000 29,000 30,000
Building Maintenance 8,371 45,000 28,916 55,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Grounds Maintenance 11,732 10,000 13,305 9,500 10,000 10,000 10,000
Equipment & Repairs 4,196 5,000 8,042 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500
Utilities-Electrical 35,028 40,000 35,789 45,000 38,000 42,500 42,500
Utilities-Water 74,086 72,000 48,480 75,000 55,000 65,000 60,000
Trash Collection 9,979 16,000 5,546 17,000 26,500 15,000 30,000 new charges due to new City ordinances
Professional/Outside Services 51,654 55,000 50,898 54,000 56,000 56,000 59,000 Increase in service rates
Total C.A.M. Other Expenses 337,857 390,500 328,581 404,500 344,500 347,500 381,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 23% 43% -3% 20% 5% 6% 11%
Total CAM Expenses 842,984 884,000 840,429 905,500 788,500 802,500 862,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 16% 21% 0% 7% -6% -5% 9%
Version 6/28/17 – Page 5 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Harbor Village Marketing Personnel Expenses
Regular Salaries 125,876 125,000 125,703 126,500 115,000 127,000 136,000 FY17-Short a fulltime employee, adjusted FY18 2% for PERS, 1% merit
Part-time Pay 28,200 31,000 27,780 29,000 31,000 29,000 30,000
Overtime Pay 1,599 2,000 2,772 2,000 2,000 4,000 3,000
Holiday Pay 39 500 – 500 – 500 1,000
Payroll Taxes 3,961 4,000 3,989 4,500 4,000 4,000 4,500
Workers Comp Insurance 1,800 2,000 914 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Medical & Life Insurance 9,583 10,000 9,528 10,000 12,000 10,000 17,000
Employee Optional Benefits 12,192 13,000 12,192 13,000 8,000 12,500 12,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 23,243 35,000 24,970 25,500 23,000 24,500 24,500 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total Marketing Personnel Expenses 206,493 222,500 207,848 212,000 196,000 212,500 229,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 2% 9% 1% 3% -6% 2% 17%
Harbor Marketing Other Expenses
Advertising & Marketing 131,070 131,000 135,375 134,500 137,000 137,000 140,000 Increase attributed to rate increase in advertising costs
Ad Production/Graphic Design 20,700 20,000 22,574 22,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Marketing Conversion Study – – – – 5,000 10,000 5,000 Market research study will not be complete by June2017
Street Event Banners 641 1,000 1,222 1,500 10,500 10,500 2,500 Purchased street banners in the FY17 budget
Village Maps/Promotional Materials 17,667 20,000 14,468 16,500 15,000 15,000 15,000
Certified Rack 2,447 2,500 2,480 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Tourism Outreach, FAM Tours & Meetings 3,552 9,000 7,722 9,000 9,500 9,500 9,500
Entertainment & Music 21,181 23,000 21,319 23,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Brand Build/Promotions/Campaigns/Events 56,684 60,000 47,406 63,500 60,000 60,000 50,000 Reduction in events
Content/Web/Paid Social Media 13,762 18,500 13,286 13,600 10,000 10,000 12,000 Increase attributed to rate increases
Miscellaneous 75 500 11 400 500 500 500
Total Marketing Other Expenses 267,779 285,500 265,863 286,500 290,000 295,000 277,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 1% 5% -1% 7% 9% 11% -4%
Total Marketing Expenses 474,272 508,000 473,711 498,500 486,000 507,500 506,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 0% 7% 0% 5% 3% 7% 4%
Total Operating Exp. Before Dredging 4,591,148 5,094,500 4,632,070 5,018,000 4,975,800 5,048,000 5,358,500
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -2% 9% 1% 9% 7% 9% 8%
Version 6/28/17 – Page 6 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Harbor Dredging and Related Expenses
Inner Harbor Maintenance Dredging – – 89,250 75,000 – – –
Reimbursement from City of Ventura – – (51,944) (30,000) – – –
Dredging & Project Management Prof. Serv. 106,656 110,000 106,656 110,000 107,000 110,000 110,000
Consultants breakdown of services provided –
Dredging 50%
Project Management 30%
General Support 20%
Washington Lobbyist Prof Services 60,339 60,000 62,690 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Dredging. Regulatory Require. 53,726 80,000 112,967 80,000 45,000 55,000 55,000
Dredging Conferences 6,357 9,000 2,918 9,000 8,000 10,000 8,500 Possibility of reduced accommodation expenses
Dredging Misc. Expenses 628 1,000 1,191 1,000 500 1,000 1,000
Total Harbor Dredging Expenses 227,706 260,000 323,728 305,000 220,500 236,000 234,500
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual -6% 7% 42% 34% -32% -27% 6%
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 4,818,854 5,354,500 4,955,798 5,323,000 5,196,300 5,284,000 5,593,000
-1% 9% 3% 10% 5% 7% 8%
Operating Cash Flows In (Out) 1,725,500 2,371,812 2,041,000 3,202,024 3,854,700 3,533,500 2,510,000
The operating expenses for the Harbor Patrol Dept have been
separated out to properly reflect the Property Tax revenue used
to cover these expenses
Version 6/28/17 – Page 7 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
142,124 218,000 90,239 168,000 128,500 159,500 199,000 See Harbor Patrol budget
Cost of Issuance/Premium for rate resetting – – 91,765 135,600 – – –
COP’s Interest Payment 450,213 455,000 378,787 435,000 440,000 440,000 430,000
DBAW Loan #1 Interest Payment $4m 158,977 160,000 118,263 160,000 – – – DBW loans refunded 4/1/2016
DBAW Loan #2 Interest Payment $1.5m 54,250 55,000 39,703 55,000 – – – DBW loans refunded 4/1/2016
Principle Payments on ALL bonds 616,306 620,000 639,912 640,000 825,000 825,000 830,000
TOTAL NON-OPER. EXPENDITURES 1,421,870 1,508,000 1,593,600 1,358,669 1,393,500 1,424,500 1,459,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 2% 8% -4% 12% 3% 5% 5%
949,942 217,500 447,400 1,843,355 2,461,200 2,109,000 1,051,000
Building Tenant Improvement’s 163,911 230,000 295,127 285,000 150,000 500,000 392,000 See attached Tenant Improvement Schedule
Accessibility Improvements 117,768 265,000 21,120 800,000 1,550,000 1,835,000 500,000 See attached Capital Improvement and ADA Accessibility Improvement Plan
Capital Improvement Projects 202,220 1,581,000 1,624,047 1,230,000 590,000 1,345,000 2,669,000 See attached Capital Improvement and ADA Accessibility Improvement Plan
466,043 (1,858,500) (96,939) (1,867,600) 171,200 (1,571,000) (2,510,000) To be funded from unrestricted reserves
Unrestricted Reserve Balance 5,700,000 7,704,000 8,000,000 6,764,000 9,000,000 6,429,000 6,490,000
Harbor Patrol exp. not funded by prop. taxes
Annual Cash Flows In (Out) from normal
operations before any Improvements
Annual Cash Flows In (Out) after
Version 6/28/17 – Page 8 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
1,042,763 1,010,000 1,090,940 1,070,000 1,140,000 1,090,000 1,160,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 5% 2% 5% 3% 4% 0% 2%
Harbor Patrol Personnel Expenses
Regular Salaries 534,089 535,000 539,027 548,000 540,000 553,500 560,000 Increase 2% to PERS, 1% merit
Part-time Pay 22,882 36,000 37,134 36,000 44,000 36,000 40,000
Overtime Pay 30,049 35,000 94,713 66,000 80,000 50,000 60,000 FY17 increase in overtime for shift coverage
Holiday Pay 17,656 20,500 20,525 24,000 24,000 24,000 28,000
Payroll Taxes & Unemployment 10,761 15,000 15,498 15,000 14,000 14,500 16,000 Includes Unemployment
Workers Comp Insurance 192,000 192,000 107,731 108,000 117,000 117,000 103,000
Medical & Life Insurance 54,578 59,000 52,910 50,500 61,500 61,500 62,000
Employee Optional Benefits 47,089 50,000 43,707 45,000 45,000 45,000 51,000 Increase of 19% to monthly benefits & Vision Plan
Retirement Contributions 91,264 95,000 117,226 117,000 122,500 122,500 116,000 PERS rate increase offset by Employee to pay additonal 2% towards contribution
Total Harbor Patrol Personnel Exp 1,037,500 1,000,368 1,009,500 1,028,471 1,048,000 1,024,000 1,036,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 6% 10% 3% 1% 2% 0% -1%
Harbor Patrol Other Expenses
Uniforms 25,021 31,000 16,278 18,000 13,000 13,000 13,000
Oil & Fuel Expense 26,201 34,000 22,987 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000
Operating Supplies & Expense 10,510 21,000 30,929 36,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
Boat Maintenance 85,363 60,000 29,045 65,000 60,000 60,000 140,000
Install boat engines and electronics purchased with a DBW
grant in FY17; Fireboat plumbing conversion & maint.; Fireboat
shock absorbing seats; Boat 19 replace non-skid decking
Auto Equip & Maint. 6,463 5,000 4,499 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500
Conferences & Training 6,235 3,500 4,392 4,000 5,000 5,000 7,500
Summer Lifeguard Services 24,726 32,000 44,368 59,000 60,000 65,000 80,000 As per contract
Professional Services – 4,000 210 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Total Harbor Patrol Other Expenses 184,519 190,500 152,708 228,500 220,500 225,500 323,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 15% 19% -17% 24% 44% 48% 46%
Total Harbor Patrol Expenses 1,184,887 1,228,000 1,181,179 1,238,000 1,268,500 1,249,500 1,359,000
Increase / -Decrease over prev year actual 7% 11% 0% 4% 7% 6% 7%
(218,000) (142,124) (90,239) (168,000) (128,500) (159,500) (199,000) Remaining expenditures are funded from Operating Revenues
Harbor Patrol Department Expenses funded from
Expenditures remaining after Property Tax
Revenues were applied
Property Taxes & Assessments Revenue
Version 6/28/17 – Page 9 of 10
Actual Budget Actual Budget Est/Actual Budget Budget
2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Comments
Expenditures funded by Grants and Special Funding
Grants and Special Funding
NOAA Grant-Shellfish Aquaculture 2015 – – 49,549 50,000 60,000 65,000 150,000 To be extended into FY18
DBAW Grants-abandon vessel&vessel turn-in 10,563 13,500 6,300 5,500 14,000 14,000 5,000 Partial grant funds remaining from prior years
DBAW Grants-Boating Equipment – 49,500 – 59,500 40,000 55,000 15,000
Boat engines, electronics/partial carry forward.
Engines are purchased but have not arrived. Installation will be
in new fiscal year.
DBAW Grant-Training Expense Reimb – 6,000 10,000 – 10,000 10,000 No reimbursable training in the current year
DBAW Grants-Launch Ramp 21,881 167,000 31,281 – – – – Project complete
TOTAL GRANTS & SPECIAL FUNDING 32,444 236,000 87,130 125,000 144,000 114,000 180,000
Projects, Equipment and Training Expenses
NOAA Grant-Shellfish Aquaculture 2015 – – 49,549 50,000 60,000 65,000 150,000 To be extended into FY18
Vessel Salvage-Abandoned and Turn-in 10,563 13,500 6,300 5,500 14,000 14,000 5,000 Partial grant funds remaining from prior years
Boat Equipment – 49,500 – 59,500 40,000 55,000 15,000
Boat engines, electronics/partial carry forward.
Engines are purchased but have not arrived. Installation will be
in new fiscal year.
Harbor Patrol Training – 6,000 – 10,000 – 10,000 10,000 No reimbursable training in the current year
Renovate Launch Ramp 21,881 167,000 31,281 – – – – Project complete
TOTAL PROJECTS & EQUIPMENT 32,444 236,000 87,130 125,000 114,000 144,000 180,000
Version 6/28/17 – Page 10 of 10
Project Name Project Location Project Summary Project Status
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Annual totals for reference $3,169,000 $5,610,000 $2,125,000 $1,515,000 $700,000
Capital Improvements
1 1431 Chair Elevator Project 1431 Spinnaker Drive (National Park Service) Replacing/Refurbishing chair elevator Serviced every 4-6 months. 15,000
Harbor Village
1583 Spinnakers Drive (Boatyard Pub)
1591 Spinnaker Drive (Le Petit)
Modernize elevators with electric controls and ADA
upgrades, or replacement elevator
1583 Spinnaker elevator will not be complete by 6/30/17.
Originally a 50% down payment was going to be paid to order the
parts in the current year, but the contract could not be completed
in time. The whole project will be deferred to FY18.
1591 Spinnaker elevator has been deferred from FY17-18 as
originally scheduled to FY19-20. This is elevator is moderately
used by office tenants. This is the last elevator in the Village to be
refurbished. All other Village elevators have been refurbished in
the past five years.
110,000 125,000
Harbor Village
Location 1) 1449 Spinnaker Drive (Fisheries) (8)
Location 2) 1575 Spinnaker Drive (Lost in Socks) (16)
Location 3) 1591 Spinnaker Drive (Le Petit) (64)
Location 4) 1583 Spinnaker Drive (The Greek) (44)
Location 5) 1691 Spinnaker Drive (Island Packers) (8)
Replacement of 140 windows with double pane vinyl
retrofit windows. Primarily east side of buildings and
windows facing inner courtyards. All other windows
have been refurbished.
Staff has worked with Rasmussen & Associated in FY15-16 &
FY16-17 on the plans and specifications for this project, which
cost approximately $19,000. This bid was awarded April 2017 but
there is a delay in the availability of the windows. The replacement
of all the necessary windows will not be started until after 6/30/17.
The remaining cost of this project has been deferred to FY17-18
Change order #1- $9,454.16
4 Harbor Village Re-roofing
Location 1) 1591 Spinnaker Drive (Le Petit)
Location 2) 1691 Spinnaker Drive (Island Packers) (Flat Roof)
Location 3) 1431 Spinnaker Drive (National Park Service)
Location 3) 1583 Spinnaker Drive (Boatyard Pub)
Location 4) 1575 Spinnaker Drive (Lost in Socks)
Location 5) 1567 Spinnaker Drive (Margarita Villa, Hats, Pottery)
This project will consist of roof, covering, flashing,
gutters, and drainage refurbishment. Replacement
of all flat roof coverings and tiles, as needed.
Replacement of extensively deteriorating metal
gutters and downspouts with copper gutters and
downspouts with the roof work. Original roof is true
Spanish tile.
All of the Village roofs will be replaced over the next several years. 660,000 1,500,000 1,000,000
5 1691 HVAC Replacement 1691 Spinnaker Drive (Upstairs office) Three new HVAC systems that are maintained annually. These units are maintained annually and may need to be replaced in FY19-20. 100,000
Capital Improvements and ADA Accessibility Improvements Plan
Five Year Projection
6/28/2017 — Page 1 of 5
Project Name Project Location Project Summary Project Status
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Annual totals for reference $3,169,000 $5,610,000 $2,125,000 $1,515,000 $700,000
Capital Improvements and ADA Accessibility Improvements Plan
Five Year Projection
6 Harbor Village Painting
Location 1) 1431 Spinnaker Drive (National Park Service)
Location 2) 1449 Spinnaker Drive (Fisheries)
Location 3) 1559 Spinnaker Drive (Brophy’s)
Location 4) 1567 Spinnaker Drive (Margarita Villa, Hats, Pottery)
Location 5) 1575 Spinnaker Drive (Lost in Socks)
Location 6) 1583 Spinnaker Drive (Boatyard Pub)
Location 7) 1591 Spinnaker Drive (Le Petit)
Location 8) 1691 Spinnaker Drive (Island Packers)
Paint all exterior walls, facades, staircases and trim.
Facades and trim will be maintained annually, due to
building exposure to sun, wind and corrosive salt air.
7 Dry Storage Refurbishment Dry Boat Storage Lot on Anchors Way Drive Refurbishment of chain link fencing around parcel, with two card-key controlled sliding entry gates. Refurbish in 5 year intervals. 20,000
8 Pier Deck Surfacing Fish Pier
The fish pier surface material has required a number
of repairs to various areas due to weathering and
aged design.
This is part of an ongoing effort to prolong the pier’s service life
which suffers from chloride contamination and alkali-silica reaction
(ASR) within the 16-inch thick, 60-foot wide by 214-foot long deck
(12,840 square feet). In the fall of 2013, about 3400 square feet of
the deck surface was repaired and coated with a SIKA overlay
sealer at a cost of $217,611. An additional 2800 square feet of the
deck surface received the same treatment in the spring of 2014 at
a cost of $159,073. Thus almost half of the pier’s surface area has
been repaired to date at a cost of $376,684. A visual inspection of
the repaired deck surface area appears to indicate that the repairs
have been generally successful. However, observation of the pier
deck provides little intelligence regarding the state of the ASR
within 16-inch deck and whether or not that reaction has been
Thus, before proceeding with additional SIKA overlay work, four
12-inch cores will be withdrawn from the deck and sent to a
laboratory for analysis at a cost of about $25,000. Depending on
the results of that analysis, decisions will then be made regarding
the appropriateness of structural modeling and/or additional SIKA
work. The hope is ultimately to do whatever is most cost effective
to extend the life of the pier. The pier presently has an estimated
$4,000,000 replacement cost.
400,000 400,000
9 Fish Pier Derrick Crane #1 Fish Pier Fabrication and installation of second fish pier crane.
Crane #2 was replaced in 2015. Crane #1 was declared unusable
July 2016 and needs to be replaced. Increase due to additional
engineering services.
50% of this expense will be funded from the Fishermans
Improvement Fund
6/28/2017 — Page 2 of 5
Project Name Project Location Project Summary Project Status
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Annual totals for reference $3,169,000 $5,610,000 $2,125,000 $1,515,000 $700,000
Capital Improvements and ADA Accessibility Improvements Plan
Five Year Projection
10 Port District Vehicles Port District Headquarters/shop/yard Replacement of Harbor Patrol and Maintenance vehicles.
In FY16-17, three maintenance vehicles and one harbor patrol
vehicle were replaced. In FY17-18 Maintenance will replace the
‘boom truck’ and in FY18-19 Patrol will replace their second
vehicle. Staff has budgeted for additional future vehicle
replacement. $11,000 for Patrol vehicle upfit.
51,000 40,000 65,000
11 Headquarters HVAC Replacement Port District Headquarters/shop/yard Replace HVAC condenser unit located at the District Headquarters as budgeted FY19-20. Maintain annually. 20,000
12 Headquarters Emergency Generator Port District Headquarters/shop/yard Purchase and installation of new emergency generator to provide existing generator as backup for emergency communications network, fire, etc. 70,000
13 Parking Lot Asphalt Project
Location 1) 1431 Spinnaker Drive (National Park Service)
Location 2) 1449 Spinnaker Drive (Fisheries)
Location 3) 1559 Spinnaker Drive (Brophy’s)
Location 4) 1567 Spinnaker Drive (Margarita Villa, Pottery, Hats)
Location 5) 1575 Spinnaker Drive (Lost in Socks)
Location 6) 1583 Spinnaker Drive (Boatyard Pub)
Location 7) 1591 Spinnaker Drive (Le Petit)
Location 8) 1691 Spinnaker Drive (Island Packers)
Location 9) 19A Overflow Parking Lot (Harbor & Schooner)
Location 10) Public Boat Launch Ramp
Major restoration and asphalt replacement including
parking lot slurry coat, striping/curb painting.
Harbor Cove and Surfers Knoll parking lots were completed in
FY16-17 along with some ADA improvements. 700,000
Harbor Village
Entrance Revitalization
& Wayfinding
Spinnaker Drive & Harbor Blvd.; Harbor Wayfinding Program
within the Harbor.
New signage and revamping of Spinnaker Harbor
entrance and Harbor Wayfinding Program 250,000
15 Harbor Village Trash Enclosure 1559 Spinnaker Drive Refurbishment of existing trash enclosures 50,000
16 New Launch Ramp Pay Station Public Launch Ramp – Anchors Way Drive Replacement of pay station 20,000
Paid Parking
Equipment and
All Lots Install paid parking equipment FY17-18, Design costs for pay and display outlined in parking study 250,000 25,000
6/28/2017 — Page 3 of 5
Project Name Project Location Project Summary Project Status
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Annual totals for reference $3,169,000 $5,610,000 $2,125,000 $1,515,000 $700,000
Capital Improvements and ADA Accessibility Improvements Plan
Five Year Projection
Village MarinaRenovate
D, G & H
Harbor Village Docks D, G, & H
Marina docks & pilings. FY14-15 Engineering, spec,
and permits only. Docks D, G and H to be
Bellingham Concrete or other equal, either replacing
existing configuration or in new “Super Seiner”
commercial fishing configuration (NOBLE 2012).
New construction will require pilings.
Construction financing through a third party
The main project is slated for FY18-19.
$125,000 was budgeted for FY16-17 for the engineering and
design phase. The engineering, design and permits are taking
longer than anticipated and will be carried into FY17-18
4,400,000 75,000
Harbor cove & Surfers
Knoll Public Showers
Harbor Cove
Surfers Knoll
Replace deteriated public showers at beach
restrooms 25,000
Harbor Cove &
Surfers Knoll
Brick Wall
Harbor Cove
Surfers Knoll
Repair and/or replace deteriorated block wall that
runs along the beach side perimeter of the Harbor
Cove parking lot
FY21-22 is future planning to replace the walls 20,000 300,000
21 1583 Suite 215 New HVAC Air conditioning unit and ducting for suite 1583 Spinnaker, suite 215 for Village Marketing/Marina offices Installation of a new HVAC with central ducting within the Unit 18,000
22 1567 Carousel Building 1567 Carousel Building Retro-fit for future use 300,000
TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN $ 5,445,000 2,669,000 $ 1,850,000 $ 1,290,000 $ 700,000 $
6/28/2017 — Page 4 of 5
Project Name Project Location Project Summary Project Status
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Fiscal Yr
Annual totals for reference $3,169,000 $5,610,000 $2,125,000 $1,515,000 $700,000
Capital Improvements and ADA Accessibility Improvements Plan
Five Year Projection
Carousel Courtyard
Revitalization &
Phase 3 ADA
Harbor Village Courtyard around the Carousel building
The phase 3 work is presently under way and completion is
expected early August. A portion of this cost is being carried over
from the current year.
ADA Restroom
Improvements –
Harbor Village
Restrooms – 1583 (2)
Restrooms -1575 (3), 1559 (3), 1591 (2), 1691 (1)
FY18-19 – Architect/Design plans / Bid documents
FY 19- 20 & 20-21 – 1583, 1575 , 1559, 1591, 1691 Spinnaker
1583 and 1559 restrooms will be necessary to perform major construction.
The others restrooms will consist of downsizing stalls, etc to conform to ADA.
All restrooms to be completed by 12/31/2020
275,000 75,000 225,000
24 ADA Staircase stainless hand rails VHV Buildings 1449,1559,1567,1583,1591 Replacing all none compliance wooden handrails with new ADA stainless steel hand rails. 90,000
$ 165,000 500,000 $ 275,000 $ 225,000 $ -$
$2,669,000 $5,445,000 $1,850,000 $1,290,000 $700,000
$3,169,000 $5,610,000 $2,125,000 $1,515,000 $700,000
$0 4,400,000 $ $0 $0 $0
ADA Accessibility Improvement Plan
6/28/2017 — Page 5 of 5
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
REVISED – 6/20/2017 Actual Actual forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted
Cash Flows In (Out) from normal operations before any
Improvements $ 949,942 $ 1,844,000 $ 2,109,000 $ 1,051,000 $ 1,025,000 $ 1,022,000 $ 974,000 $ 1,301,000 $ 1,302,000 $ 1,279,000
Significant Assumptions –
Cash Flow In – Proceeds from Village Marina Renovation Loan 4,400,000
Cash Flow Out – New Debt Service-Village Marina Renovation Loan (320,000) (320,000) (320,000) (320,000) (320,000)
Cash Flow Out – Tenant Improvements (163,911) (295,000) (500,000) (392,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)
Cash Flow Out – Accessibility Enhancements (117,768) (1,835,000) (21,000) (500,000) (165,000) (275,000) (225,000) – – –
Cash Flow Out – Capital Improvements as per Five Year Plan Projection (1,624,000) (202,220) (1,345,000) (2,669,000) (5,445,000) (1,850,000) (1,290,000) (700,000) (500,000) (500,000)
Improvements that will need to be funded through Unrestricted
Improvement Reserves – (1,571,000) (96,000) (2,510,000) (235,000) (1,473,000) (911,000) – – –
Cash Flow In after Improvements are completed 466,043 231,000 432,000 409,000
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23
Forecasted Unrestricted Reserve Balances Actual Actual forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted
Forecasted Reserves at beginning of each fiscal year 5,650,000 7,704,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 6,490,000 6,255,000 4,782,000 3,871,000 4,102,000 4,534,000
Improvements funded from Improvement Reserves (96,000) – (1,571,000) (2,510,000) (235,000) (1,473,000) (911,000) – – –
Cash Flow In after Improvements are completed 470,000 – – – – – 231,000 – 432,000 409,000
Cash Flow In from Grant fund reimbursements 1,584,000 37,500 – – – – – – – –
Forecasted Unrestricted Reserves at end of year 7,704,000 7,645,500 6,429,000 6,490,000 6,255,000 4,782,000 3,871,000 4,102,000 4,534,000 4,943,000
Total All Unrestricted Reserves Forecasted at June 30 each year 7,704,000 7,645,500 6,429,000 6,490,000 6,255,000 4,782,000 3,871,000 4,102,000 4,534,000 4,943,000
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Actual Actual forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted
TOTAL Unrestricted Reserves Forecasted at June 30 each year 7,704,000 8,000,000 6,429,000 6,490,000 6,255,000 4,782,000 3,871,000 4,102,000 4,534,000 4,943,000
Reserve Policy Minimum Balance 40% of Expenses at June 30 each yea 2,960,000 2,910,000 3,320,000 3,440,000 3,450,000 3,590,000 3,810,000 3,890,000 4,060,000 4,230,000
Unrestricted Capital Improvement Reserves at June 30 each year 4,794,000 5,040,000 3,109,000 3,050,000 2,805,000 1,192,000 61,000 212,000 474,000 713,000
As outlined below, with the proposed expenditures the 40% reserve balance is maintained and the unrestricted Improvement balance remains favorable.
Minimum Unrestricted Reserves at 40% of Operating Expenses
Includes Village Dock Replacement of $4.4m with New Debt Service (20 years
@ 4%)
Revised 5/10/2017, Page 1 of 2
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
audited audited forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted forecasted
Operating Revenue 7,467,000 7,131,400 7,377,500 7,803,000 8,115,000 8,440,000 8,778,000 9,129,000 9,494,000 9,874,000
SRP minimum rents 60,000 60,000 240,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 450,000 600,000 620,000 620,000
Onetime-VIM appreciation rent & Portside Harbor Option Fee 1,200,000 631,000
% Increase / -Decrease -1% 5% -1% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
Non-Operating Revenue (Includes prop taxes) 1,042,800 1,091,000 1,090,000 1,160,000 1,183,000 1,207,000 1,231,000 1,256,000 1,281,000 1,307,000
% Increase / -Decrease 5% 5% 0% 6% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Total Revenue 8,234,200 9,249,000 9,907,500 9,263,000 9,598,000 9,947,000 10,459,000 10,985,000 11,395,000 11,801,000
% Increase / -Decrease 0.0% 12.3% 7.1% -6.5% 3.6% 3.6% 5.1% 5.0% 3.7% 3.6%
Operating Expenses (excludes depreciation)
Operating Expenses 4,582,058 4,632,000 5,048,000 5,358,500 5,626,000 5,907,000 6,202,000 6,512,000 6,838,000 7,180,000
Harbor Patrol Expenses 1,184,900 1,181,000 1,249,500 1,359,000 1,427,000 1,498,000 1,573,000 1,652,000 1,735,000 1,822,000
Harbor dredging & related expense 324,000 227,700 236,000 234,500 260,000 260,000 450,000 260,000 260,000 260,000
Total Operating Expenses 5,994,658 6,137,000 6,533,500 6,952,000 7,313,000 7,665,000 8,225,000 8,424,000 8,833,000 9,262,000
% Increase / -Decrease -6.0% 1.1% 9.0% 6.2% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Non-operating and Other Expenses
Principle/Interest & deferred refunding 1,289,600 1,268,000 1,265,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000
Total Non-operating expenses 1,289,600 1,268,000 1,265,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000 1,260,000
% Increase / -Decrease 0.8% -1.7% -0.2% -0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Total all Expenses 7,284,258 7,405,000 7,798,500 8,212,000 8,573,000 8,925,000 9,485,000 9,684,000 10,093,000 10,522,000
% Increase / -Decrease -3.4% 1.7% 5.3% 5.3% 4.4% 4.1% 6.3% 2.1% 4.2% 4.3%
Cash Flows In (Out) from normal operations before any
Improvements $ 949,942 $ 1,844,000 2,109,000$ 1,051,000$ $ 1,025,000 $ 1,022,000 $ 974,000 $ 1,301,000 $ 1,302,000 $ 1,279,000
Note: Revenues generated from grants are not included in the Revenue category
Minimum Unrestricted Reserves at 40% of Operating Expenses
Revised 6/20/2017, Page 2 of 2
JUNE 28, 2017
BOARD COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
To: Board of Port Commissioners
From: Richard Parsons, Project Manager
Subject: Approval of Professional Service Agreements
That the Board of Port Commissioners authorize the General Manager to sign the following two
Professional Services Agreements (PSA):
a) Agreement with Jensen Design and Survey, Inc. in the amount of $20,000 to prepare
contract documents for pavement repairs, slurry seal and restriping of the parking lots at
Harbor Village, the launch ramp and Parcel 19A; and
b) Agreement with Rasmussen & Associates in the amount of $11,500 to prepare contract
documents for the repainting of Ventura Harbor Village.
The Port District’s preliminary FY17-18 budget includes the following appropriations in the
Capital Improvements section of said budget.
1) $700,000 for pavement repairs, slurry sealing and restriping of the parking lots at
Harbor Village, the launch ramp and Parcel 19A.
2) $650,000 for the repainting of Ventura Harbor Village exterior.
With due consideration for seasonal weather conditions and visitor utilization of the harbors
landside facilities, it is critical that both of these projects be accomplished in the October to midNovember
time frame. In order to achieve that target, it is necessary that the preparation of the
contract documents commence immediately so that competitive bids can be sought by early
August and a contract award made by early September.
It is therefore necessary that we request the Commission’s authorization to proceed with the
preparation of the contract documents for these two projects prior to the Commission’s
finalization of the Port District’s FY17-18 budget.
JUNE 28, 2017
BOARD COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: Gloria Adkins, Accounting Manager
SUBJECT: Approval of Professional Services Agreement with White Nelson Diehl Evans
That the Board of Port Commissioners:
a) Approve the Professional Services Agreement with White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP to
perform the District’s financial audit of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017; and
b) Appoint an Audit Liaison to work with staff and White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP
throughout the audit process.
Attached for the Board’s review is the professional services agreement between the District and
White Nelson Diehl Evans (WNDE) to conduct an audit of the District’s financial statements for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Staff is also requesting a Commissioner be chosen as an
audit liaison to work with staff throughout the current fiscal year audit process.
The District has contracted with White Nelson Diehl Evans to perform the District’s annual
financial audit for the past six years. Five of those years was through a joint contract with the
City of Ventura. This joint contract with the City expired after the completion of the audit for
fiscal year 2015. The City was unable to include the District in their service agreement
extension for the audit years 2016 & 2017 so the District desires to contract directly with WNDE
for the audit of fiscal year 2017.
The District is very appreciative of the past opportunities to be included in the City’s Audit
Request for Proposal (RFP) process and is hopeful this collaborative arrangement may be
continued at a future date when the City is ready to solicit for an audit RFP.
In previous years the Chairman has appointed a Commissioner to communicate with staff and
the audit firm throughout the audit process. Commissioner Ashworth served as the District’s
audit liaison for the fiscal year 2016 audit process. Appointing a liaison also provides the
opportunity for the Commissioner and the auditor to candidly discuss audit related matters and
concerns apart from management.
The cost for the audit services will be $19,700. WNDE will notify the District of any additional
costs should there be unforeseen circumstances that may require additional services in
advance of performing the service.
JUNE 28, 2017
BOARD COMMUNICATION Meeting Date: June 28, 2017
TO: Board of Port Commissioners
FROM: Jessica Rauch, Clerk of the Board
SUBJECT: Appointment of California JPIA Board Director
That the Board of Port Commissioners approve the appointment of one Port Commissioner as
Director for the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) Board of Directors.
Ventura Port District is a member organization of the California Joint Powers Insurance
Authority (JPIA). JPIA provides insurance services, trainings, risk management, and other
resources to their members. JPIA requires a director and an alternate be chosen from each of
our members to represent their organization and to form our Board of Directors. The Director
must be an elected official from the member’s governing body. Commissioner Bravo has been
the Director for many years and with his resignation, the Port Commission needs to appoint a
new Director. Currently, General Manager, Oscar Peña is an alternate. Alternates may be an
elected official from the member’s governing body or a staff member.
The JPIA Board of Directors meets annually at the California JPIA Office in La Palma. The
newly appointed Director would need to attend this meeting, which for 2017 is being held on
Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 7:00PM. JPIA does provide reimbursement for voting delegates to
travel to this meeting. The agenda for the annual meeting is as follows:
1. Approval of 2016 Minutes
2. Annual Report
2. Election of Executive Committee Members and Officers
3. Risk Management Awards
4. Strategic Plan and Operational Update